

Foro IB

The latest in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

The latest in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis(PGD) consists of studying chromosomalabnormalities and genetic abnormalities in the embryo prior to transfer to the mother. Itspurpose is to ensure that children are healthy and to bring thetransmission of a given condition to an end. Significant progress […]

Obesity and female fertility

Obesity and female fertility

The extent of the issue Obesity is a public health issue both in the general population and in women of childbearing age. The figures are a proof of this and, far from improving, the problem […]

DNA fragmentation in sperm: TUNEL

DNA fragmentation in sperm: TUNEL

When a couple fails to get pregnant or has an unsuccessful pregnancy, a number of tests performed on both partners is recommended. One of the basic tests in analysis of the male partner involves performing a seminogram […]

Infertility in men and cryptorchidism

Infertility in men and cryptorchidism

Cryptorchidism, from the Greek words kriptos (hidden) and orquis (testicle), is the failure of one or both testes to descend to the scrotum. It is estimated that between 2 and 5% of newborn boys have […]

The impact of Turner syndrome on women

The impact of Turner syndrome on women

Turner syndrome is a chromosomal condition caused by partial or total loss of one of the X chromosomes. All human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes and this is what is known as the karyotype. […]

What is the impact of obesity on male fertility?

What is the impact of obesity on male fertility?

Obesity, understood as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 30 kg/m2, is associated with various health problems: high blood pressure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, sleep apnoea, etc. One of the most important and least known aspects […]

Is there hope for me following fertilisation failure after ICSI?

Is there hope for me following fertilisation failure after ICSI?

In vitro fertilisation treatment (IVF) techniques consist of fertilising oocytes with spermatozoa in a laboratory. They are held under conditions that are similar to their natural environment and, a few days later, the best embryo is selected and […]

The impact of cannabis on semen

The impact of cannabis on semen

Today’s post aims to explain the conclusions drawn from research performed by the Biology Department at Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante in collaboration with the Biotechnology Department at the University of Alicante. The work in question […]

Seminal lavage: what is it and what is it used for?

Seminal lavage: what is it and what is it used for?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C (HCV) and hepatitis B (HBV) are viruses that are transmitted through blood and body fluids as well as through vertical transmission (from the mother to the foetus).  As a result, couples […]

What is a hysterosalpingography?

What is a hysterosalpingography?

A hysterosalpingography is an examination using x-rays and, as its name suggests, it is used for exploring the uterus (hystero-) and fallopian tubes (salpingo-). The examination is rather uncomfortable but this is remedied by giving the […]

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