

Foro IB

i-Port: bidding farewell to injections during ovarian stimulation

i-Port: bidding farewell to injections during ovarian stimulation

At Instituto Bernabeu, we are bidding farewell to ovarian stimulation injections during courses of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. The clinic is launching an innovative device called i-Port Advance™ for self-administration of drugs using a system that is already used […]

Haemophilia, fertility and pregnancy

Haemophilia, fertility and pregnancy

Haemophilia is a genetic and congenital disorder that affects coagulation. Blood does not coagulate properly and, as a result, people with haemophilia have haemorrhage or bleeding episodes of varying severity and in different areas that can arise spontaneously […]

Effects of advanced paternal age on fertility

Effects of advanced paternal age on fertility

Owing to sociocultural and economic factors, there has been a considerable increase in recent years in the number of men over the age of 35 who wish to have children. As a couple ages, the […]

Relevance of reproductive counselling

Relevance of reproductive counselling

Before seeking pregnancy, women generally plan their gestation and take nutritional supplements, such as folic acid, which is fundamental for the prevention of defects of the neural tube in the foetus. For greater assurance that […]

Embryo transfer on day 4 – why not?

Embryo transfer on day 4 – why not?

In most laboratories, embryo transfer traditionally takes place on day 2 to 3 of culture, or during blastocyst stage, whilst embryo transfer on day 4 is an alternative that has not commonly been adopted into laboratory practice. When compared with […]

Fragment removal

Fragment removal

From the very moment when sperm fertilises an ova, a new embryo starts developing and a large number of cell divisions take place. This embryo development is observed in an in vitro fertilisation laboratory up until the […]

Sterility and Infertility

Sterility and Infertility

Índice1 Are sterility and infertility the same?2 When is there a fertility issue?3 When is there an infertility issue?4 What is the difference between primary and secondary sterility?5 What is the difference between primary and secondary […]

What does an embryo biopsy entail?

What does an embryo biopsy entail?

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a technique that provides a ‘genetic understanding’ of the embryo before it is transferred to the uterus. Thanks to this technique, we are able to study the embryo’s chromosomal make-up and […]

What impact does cholesterol have on my fertility?

What impact does cholesterol have on my fertility?

Cholesterol plays an essential role in ensuring that our organism works correctly. Its impact on the heart is still given priority in terms of analysis because of the elevated impact and frequency of diseases of […]

Reproduction and genetics guidance

Reproduction and genetics guidance

Genetics guidance is the exchange through which an expert in genetics provides patients and their families with information and support on a genetic condition, inheriting that condition, the risk of recurrence and the implications for the individual and his […]

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