Foro IB
What does an embryo biopsy entail?
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a technique that provides a ‘genetic understanding’ of the embryo before it is transferred to the uterus. Thanks to this technique, we are able to study the embryo’s chromosomal make-up and […]
What impact does cholesterol have on my fertility?
Cholesterol plays an essential role in ensuring that our organism works correctly. Its impact on the heart is still given priority in terms of analysis because of the elevated impact and frequency of diseases of […]
Reproduction and genetics guidance
Genetics guidance is the exchange through which an expert in genetics provides patients and their families with information and support on a genetic condition, inheriting that condition, the risk of recurrence and the implications for the individual and his […]
What is a progesterone deficit? Administration and side effects
Progesterone is one of the most important hormones in a woman’s metabolism and fertility. It is produced by the ovaries following ovulation during a normal menstrual cycle but when a woman is pregnant the placenta takes over […]
Can a patient know and choose their future child’s gender?
It is possible to determine the gender of a future baby (embryo) before transfer takes place. In fact, this strategy has been used for many years in order to avoid the transmission of sex chromosome […]
Physiological conditions in embryo culture: reduction of the amount of oxygen in the incubator
Improving embryo culture by mimicking the conditions generated during in vivo culture is a key contributor towards improving success rates in couples who turn to in vitro fertilisation in order to solve their sterility issue. In […]
What became of my embryos? Haven’t I got embryos to freeze?
These are just some of the questions that couples might ask at an important time during their treatment, just before embryo transfer. In all cases of fertility treatment involving the in vitro fertilisation (IVF) laboratory, it is essential that all couples […]
A comparison of the phases in IVF and ICSI treatment
1.- Ovarian stimulation in the patient is carried out by administering doses of hormones that stimulate ovarian function with the aim of achieving sufficient oocytes. The doses of the aforementioned hormones are personalised to each patient […]
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): comprehensive chromosome screening
Pre-implantacional genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a technique used to detect genetic or chromosomal abnormalities and it is performed on the embryo prior to transfer to the mother’s uterus. Its use is recommended in couples where one […]
Thanks to the donor DNA storage bank at Instituto Bernabeu, patients who need to make use of donated gametes for their fertility treatment may, at any time, make a request (further to egg donor consent) for necessary genetics […]