Foro IB
Can the immune system have an impact on implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss?
The immune system plays a very important role in the health of human beings, acting as a defence barrier against harmful organisms or substances. Immunology is a very complex area when trying to get pregnant or as […]
As is only to be expected, women have a number of doubts when they first take the important decision to become a mother using an egg donated by another women. The first reaction is one […]
CCS (Comprehensive Chromosome Screening) and unexplained sterility
Any couple that turns to a fertility clinic undergoes a number of tests in order to diagnose the fertility issue that is making natural conception impossible. It is estimated that, at the end of the process, 1 in […]
What impact do toxic substances have on fertility?
A wide variety of toxic substances have a damaging effect on fertility. On the one hand, we have the toxic substances over which we have a direct control in terms of use (tobacco, alcohol, etc.) and, on […]
The ethical issues faced in assisted reproduction clinics
Although Spanish law led the way in regulating the practice of assisted reproduction and made significant progress in comparison with legislation in neighbouring countries, and even though Spain is, furthermore, a leader in the field both […]
Should embryos with chromosomal mosaicism be rejected?
When good quality embryos do not implant correctly or lead to pregnancy loss, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) does not provide us with the results we had hoped for. This is often because the embryo is a […]
What is the impact of tropical diseases on fertility and pregnancy?
Tropical diseases are found exclusively, or mainly, in the tropics, areas of the world that have a humid or warm climate. They are caused by parasites or viruses and are transmitted mainly by insects (for […]
Adenomyosis is defined as an abnormal presence of endometrial tissue inside the muscular lining of the uterus. Adenomyosis is not a well-known condition because diagnosis is not easy. Clinical expression can range from no symptoms whatsoever […]
Should I tell my son they were born by of IVF or egg donation?
One of the questions that couples frequently ask me in their appointments is if they should tell their child that they were the result of IVF or egg donation? How will the child react when told? The answer […]
The dangers of being ill-informed in forums on fertility
The Internet, with its wide range of possibilities (webpages, forums, social media and so on), opens up an endless array of opportunities for obtaining information. However, the participants are anonymous and forums often turn into […]