

Foro IB

Infections in testicles or reproductive tract that can cause male infertility: epididymitis, orchitis and STIs.

Infections in testicles or reproductive tract that can cause male infertility: epididymitis, orchitis and STIs.

Infection of the male urogenital tract is a potentially curable cause of male infertility. WHO considers urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis and epididymitis to be infections of the male accessory glands. Índice1 How can I tell if […]

Sport consequences in female fertility

Sport consequences in female fertility

Many women in reproductive age do some kind of exercise. In most cases, this is beneficial: increased physical endurance, body weight control, bone mass increase and reduced cardiovascular risk. However, in some cases excessive exercise […]

Embryo transfer: How many embryos should be transferred?  

Embryo transfer: How many embryos should be transferred?  

In recent years, thanks to long culture and the use of time-lapse incubators, we have been able to preserve embryos in the in vitro fertilisation (IVF) laboratory until day 5-6 of embryo development. This has […]

Thyroid function when looking for pregnancy

Thyroid function when looking for pregnancy

Índice1 What does the Thyroid do?2 How is the thyroid regulated?3 What is the most common cause of insufficient thyroid hormone production?4 Does the thyroid affect fertility and pregnancy outcomes?5 Presence of positive TPO antibodies6 […]

Gonadotrophins: What are they? What are their functions?

Gonadotrophins: What are they? What are their functions?

Reproductive processes are regulated by hormones called gonadotrophins. These hormones are present in both men and women. The hormones in this group are follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The […]

Endometriosis: New developments in its diagnosis (immunological and genetic markers)

Endometriosis: New developments in its diagnosis (immunological and genetic markers)

Endometriosis diagnosis represents one of the greatest challenges in medicine today. To date there’s still a diagnostic delay of 10 years from the time the patient has symptoms. This is because surgery has been considered […]

Regular VS irregular ovulation

Regular VS irregular ovulation

A woman’s cycle can be regular – lasting between 21 and 25 days – or irregular. Here we explain why. From birth, the ovary harbours all the oocytes (eggs) a woman will ovulate, 400 to […]

COVID-19 impact in fertility

COVID-19 impact in fertility

Since December 2019, the world’s focus has been on the appearance of a new Coronavirus causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). This virus is responsible for the pandemic that is currently affecting us globally and […]

Uterine fibroids: how do they affect fertility and pregnancy?

Uterine fibroids: how do they affect fertility and pregnancy?

Embryo nesting in the mother’s uterus can be affected by many factors. Among them, the existence of fibroids. Fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are benign tumours of the uterine wall smooth muscle, which can appear […]

Fertigenetics; Genetic tests to improve reproductive prognosis

Fertigenetics; Genetic tests to improve reproductive prognosis

It is estimated that around 15% of couples are infertile, that is, they are unable to complete a pregnancy and carry it to term. The origin of infertility is very varied and includes, among others, […]

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