

Foro IB

What is the infantile uterus and what are the possibilities of pregnancy?

What is the infantile uterus and what are the possibilities of pregnancy?

The uterus, or womb, is a woman’s reproductive organ where pregnancy occurs, and is destined to undergo changes throughout the woman’s reproductive years.  In a small percentage of women, the uterus doesn’t correctly develop, which […]

Artificial Intelligence and Assisted Reproduction

Artificial Intelligence and Assisted Reproduction

Since 1955, when John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the development of powerful computers with great capacity for data analysis and storage, a multitude of applications and information based on AI have […]

Double IVF for low ovarian reserve

Double IVF for low ovarian reserve

Double IVF consists of performing two in vitro fertilisation treatments in a single cycle, in order to accumulate the embryos resulting from each process. This way, we would carry out a first ovarian stimulation and […]

Will my child inherit my fertility problems?

Will my child inherit my fertility problems?

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. It is estimated that in 35% of cases it is caused by female factors, in 20% by male factors, in […]

Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) in patients who require assisted reproduction: is there sufficient evidence?

Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) in patients who require assisted reproduction: is there sufficient evidence?

The ‘implantation window’ defines the period of time during which the endometrium in the mother’s uterus is in suitable condition for embryo implantation. Determining when this implantation window occurs is an intense field of study within […]

Subdermal contraceptive implant – what is it, how does it work, how effective is it?

Subdermal contraceptive implant – what is it, how does it work, how effective is it?

The contraceptive implant is a small rod, 4cm long and 2mm thick, which is placed in the arm at the subdermal level. This implant progressively releases a hormone similar to progesterone, preventing ovulation and therefore […]

Severe male factor: is there a genetic cause?

Severe male factor: is there a genetic cause?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 10% of couples will experience fertility problems. Some 50% of the causes are due to a male factor. Many men with fertility problems have a very low […]

Become a father after the age of 40 – 50. Does it have any risks?

Become a father after the age of 40 – 50. Does it have any risks?

Many studies has been made on how older maternal age is related to a lower probability of achieving pregnancy. Higher miscarriages frequency and higher risk of certain chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus. But little attention […]

What is the best biological age to become a mother? How to know what is the age limit for me?

What is the best biological age to become a mother? How to know what is the age limit for me?

Nowadays there’re many factors influencing the decision to become a mother. Professional career, economic stability or the moment when the gestational desire appears can be perfectly valid reasons for delaying the search for pregnancy. However, […]

Basal ultrasound scan: antral follicle count to determine ovarian reserve

Basal ultrasound scan: antral follicle count to determine ovarian reserve

The antral follicle count (AFR) is one of the first tests to be performed on a woman undergoing infertility testing. It’s a transvaginal ultrasound in which the number of follicles – cystic structures that form […]

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