

ROPA method: Shared Maternity

ROPA method: Shared Maternity

ROPA (Reception of Oocytes from PArtner, or Partner Assisted Reproduction) is a treatment in reproductive medicine that allows married same sex female couples to both participate in the important act of creating a family.

This treatment allows one of the women in the couple to give her eggs (the genetic material that is passed on to the baby), and the other woman will carry the pregnancy.)

At Instituto Bernabeu we are aware that every couple has the right to start a family and we try to support that decision. Studies have shown that there are no differences in child development when they are born in happy families, whether they are male-female, male-male, female-female. Therefore we believe that we should help these couples make their dreams of becoming a family a reality.

These treatment are not very different from a standard IVF cycle. The only different is that the embryos are not transferred to the woman who underwent the ovarian stimulation. We retrieve the eggs from one woman, which we will then fertilize with donor sperm, and then the embryos are transferred to the other partner.

The selection of the sperm donor is made based on the physical characteristics and blood group of the woman who will carry the pregnancy.

The pregnancy rate depends mainly on the age and ovarian reserve of the donor. The uterine characteristics of the receiving partner must also be taken into account, since the presence of any uterine pathology can reduce the chance of pregnancy to a degree.

Since 2007, Spanish law allows children born through PAiR to be registered at birth, therefore are the legal children of both mothers.

Dr. Belén Moliner, gynaecologist of Instituto Bernabeu.

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