Personalized Care
We take clinical and emotional care of each of our patients, making each case unique. A great team at your complete disposal to accompany you throughout the entire process towards parenthood.

We emphasize the importance of communication; therefore, we adapt to each patient’s cultural and racial particularities, providing constantly an individualized information in their own language.

Your Personal Care Assistant (PCA) will be at your complete disposal to accompany you throughout the entire process from the beginning. To share, comment, explain and resolve any questions you may have, both in person during your visits and medical tests, as well as by mail or direct telephone. Because distance is not measured in the kilometres that separate us. It’s measured in the closeness of calls, messages, in the shared desire that together we will do everything possible to ensure your treatment’s success.

In order to offer you a personalized treatment and follow-up, you will have an assigned comprehensive care unit: your gynaecologist, nurse and personal care assistant. They will follow your case individually and maintain close communication to know its evolution and respond to any need that may be required.

Customization requires applying tailored treatments, for this reason our medical team combines their medical care work with research. At Instituto Bernabeu, as a result of the search for solutions to our patients’ address specific problems, we develop different research projects focused on embryo implantation failure, low ovarian reserve and genetics that are published in the main scientific journals.

Each medical case is discussed in the multidisciplinary experts committee to enrich itself with a comprehensive approach to reproductive medicine in which gynaecologists, embryologists, geneticists, endocrinologists, andrologists, etc. participate. Thanks to the specific vision of each professional, it’s possible to define together the decisions regarding the diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment strategy

To avoid traveling, we have online consultation protocols 100% comparable to face-to-face consultation. An unbeatable and personalized care experience at the highest level and with the same human warmth.

Our commitment to you is materialized in our own demand to grant you the highest quality of care and processes, which are periodically audited by external companies. This commitment has earned us the highest accreditations such as ISO 9001: 2015 for quality management; and ISO 14001: 2015 for Comprehensive Environmental Management Systems.
We are the first Spanish reproductive medicine centre to be awarded with the EFQM “committed to excellent” seal. We have the accreditation of excellent private health through SEP stamp EFQM and SEP international. Our clinics also have QH Quality HealthCare. And our laboratories are accredited through UNE 179007 (Quality Management for Assisted Reproduction Laboratories).
Before starting
Prior to your fertility check-up consultation, we will carefully study your personal medical history, so we would appreciate it if you send us all the previous studies carried out to avoid unnecessary repetitions.
Our entire team will focus on your treatment’s design to facilitate the efficient use of your time and thus avoid prolonged stays, focusing all the necessary tests on a single day.
A medical emergencies phone number is at your disposal
- Spanish: +34 919 91 44 41
- Italian/French: +34 919 914 468
- English/German/Russian/other: +34 919 914 470
Pick-up service included
We want to be the first ones to welcome you, that is why you have a chauffeur service at your disposal for your airport pick-up 24 hours a day, 365 days.
Orientation for your travel and accommodation
We are aware of the importance of having to travel to another country for medical treatment. To facilitate the organization of the trip, we provide you with extended information on the services that may be useful to you, accommodation reservations (hotels and apartments) with agreed rates, etc.
We invite you to know more about the weather, flights with Alicante, Madrid or Palma de Mallorca and the main European cities; as well as tourist information or details of Spanish legislation regarding fertility treatments.
What tests do I need?
To avoid unnecessary travels, we synthesize the necessary medical tests on the day of your visit. To evaluate your particular case, the doctor will take into account the particularities of each situation, the medical, gynaecological or andrological history. On your first visit and if you do not have the basic fertility studies (spermiogram, cytology, AMH antimullerian hormone analysis and 3-dimensional study ultrasound), they will be performed at no additional cost.
Next, we detail the standard requirements, which could be expanded once your case has been studied in depth and, if you wish, it can be done in your city.
- Serology: VIH, Hep B and C, syphilis.
- Blood group and Rh.
- Rubella antibodies.
- Cytology.
- Mammography for over 40 years of age.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) and medical check-up: for women over 45 years old.
- Serology: VIH, Hep B and C, syphilis.
- Blood group and Rh.
- Spermiogram and study of sperm morphology in males.
- Genetic Compatibility Test (GCT) with a simple blood sample (optional)
How many trips will it take?
Our goal is to adapt to your circumstances and needs so that your trips are minimal. If you want to avoid travel, you can make your first consultation online and carry out ultrasound checks and tests at your place of residence. You have the absolute disposition of your personal care assistant and your gynaecologist for a fluid exchange of information.
- First study visit and egg donation treatment design (you can choose between face-to-face or online)
- If in person, the male can freeze the sperm sample.
- Fertilization of donated oocytes: The male should come if we do not have his frozen sperm or if desired to do it fresh.
- Embryo transfer
- First study visit and design of embryo-adoption treatment (you can choose between face-to-face or online; in case of online, the trip is avoided)
- Embryo transfer
- First study visit and IVF treatment design (you can avoid the trip if you choose the telematic modality instead of the face-to-face visit)
- Ovarian stimulation. You can do it at your place of residence always in close communication with our medical team to control the correct evolution.
- Eggs’ collection. In the case of fresh fertilization with the couple’s semen, he must also go to leave the seminal sample.
- Embryo transfer
International experience
Thousands of patients of 137 different nationalities have decided to carry out the personal project of having a child and have entrusted the Instituto Bernabeu to do so:
- For the results.
- Strong medical principles.
- Cutting edge technology.
- Investigation programs.
- Treatments tailored to the needs of the patient.
- Comprehensive care of the patient, medically and emotionally.
- Exhaustive quality controls in all processes.

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