A further year of scientific collaboration and success at ESHRE 2019 for Instituto Bernabeu
July, 19th 2019

For a further year, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) has summoned a broad group of specialists from Instituto Bernabeu to take part in their scientific round table discussions and debate groups concerning infertility at the largest reproductive medicine and embryology scientific conference held in 2019. Our clinic experts, who contributed their own scientific papers, have thus collaborated in the development of reproductive medicine for a further year.
No less than nine scientific papers developed at Instituto Bernabeu across different areas such as embryology, andrology, and reproductive endocrinology were featured at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology meeting held in Vienna. These research studies are increasingly motivated by the needs of our patients and our aim of optimising their diagnoses and results, as well as to improve each of our treatments.
Seven of the above investigations were presented in a poster format, with the remaining two scientific papers introduced as oral presentations. Under the title of “The luteal phase of double ovarian stimulation treatment (DuoStim) provides higher oocyte and blastocyst yield in unselected infertile patients: a retrospective, same-patient, cohort study”, Instituto Bernabeu introduced a research study concerning the effects of double ovarian stimulation (DuoStim) treatments. In these cases, our practitioners observed an improved performance when obtaining oocytes in the double ovarian stimulation treatment’s luteal phase.
A further presentation under the title of “Oral Does the trophectoderm biopsy technique, pulling or flicking, affects the diagnostic rate, mosaic rate or transferability rate displayed by the genetic analysis in PGT-A cycles?” considered the potential effects of trophectoderm – the future placenta- biopsy techniques intended to detect the presence of aneuploidies or chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo, as well as the transfer or onset of mosaicism.
Also in attendance at the conference were gynaecologist Juan Carlos Castillo, gynaecologist and endometriosis specialist Belen Moliner, biologist and embryology laboratory manager, Dr. Dori Rodriguez, as well as biologist Laura Cascales and pharmacists Ana Fabregat and Ruth Morales, who also specialise in clinical analysis, and molecular biology and genetics, respectively.
At Instituto Bernabeu, we are already preparing for the ESHRE 2020 conference to be held in Copenhagen.