Dr Rafael Bernabeu will conduct this Wednesday the Covid-19 Webinar: How and when can I start or retake my fertility treatment?
April, 28th 2020

Instituto Bernabeu’s Head Doctor, Dr Rafael Bernabeu, will conduct this Wednesday 29th of April the webinar Covid-19: How and when can I start or retake my fertility treatment? Dr Bernabeu will answer live through YouTube Live, all questions related to this pandemic and how affects fertility treatments from 10am and from 11am to all non-Spanish patients in English.
Spanish: https://youtu.be/C8d7awCQacA
English: https://youtu.be/NGRdXDxUjTk
The alarm situation due to the pandemic provoked by the Covid-19 virus caused at the end of March the temporary cancellation of activity in the Reproductive Medicine clinics and services. Instituto Bernabeu has followed the main scientific America, European and Spanish reproductive societies recommendations which agreed on the necessity of postponing all treatments and to strictly follow the Government’s directives. The World’s mail societies in human reproduction such as the American ASRM the European Society for Human Reproduction (ESHRE) and the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), recommended not to start any new treatment while the State of Alarm is in force because of the lack of information on how the virus affects fertility or pregnancy.
Within the current stabilization situation, we have a new agreement between the scientific societies such as the European Society for Human Reproduction (ESHRE), where a come back to normality and to retake the assisted reproduction treatments is advised; taking special care in the security measures and following the prevention protocols in patients and the human team.
The Spanish Health Ministry has confirmed this new situation and has advised the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) on the 24th of April to retake all assisted reproduction treatments.
Although we still have very little knowledge about this new virus and how it behaves, there is no evidence if it transmits from mother to fetus and, cases of infected babies are due to contact with the already infected mother.
Instituto Bernabeu is aware of the concern created on patients by the fertility treatments temporary cancellation on this new and extraordinary situation in the whole world, this is why Instituto Bernabeu’s Head Doctor is going to try to clear up all concerns on how and when start or retake the fertility treatment.