Eight scientific research papers developed by Instituto Bernabeu were presented at the 1st Spanish Sterility and Infertility Congress held in Valladolid
December, 5th 2018

Instituto Bernabeu was present at the 1st Spanish Sterility and Infertility Congress (SEISEGO) that was held within the framework of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) event. Dr Rafael Bernabeu, Medical Director of the reproductive medicine clinic, is the society’s vice president and, as a prominent expert in the field, he opened the congress by moderating the first round table debate entitled ‘Updates in the basic analysis of the sterile partner’ along with Ana Belén Rodríguez.
During the congress, Dr Bernabeu addressed the event entitled ‘Pre-implantation genetic screening: indications, controversies and results’ within the framework of a round table debate on the use of new technologies in assisted reproduction techniques. Dr Bernabeu highlighted the fact that using next generation sequencing facilitates identification and detection of embryos with limited viability. For example, mosaic embryos. Belén Lledó, Scientific Director of the Genetics Department at Instituto Bernabeu, meanwhile, gave a presentation entitled ‘Pharmacogenetics: the role of the FSH recipient’s polymorphisms’ within the framework of the debate on ovarian stimulation in the 21st century. Instituto Bernabeu is a leading entity in analysis and use of pharmacogenetics aimed at improving ovarian stimulation results.
Instituto Bernabeu was present at the first edition of the SEISEGO event with seven oral presentations and a poster. These are the result of various areas of research work undertaken by the different departments at Instituto Bernabeu. This research is performed in the interests of providing patients with improved healthcare.