Dr Rafael Bernabeu, awarded with the Medal of Honour of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche
May, 27th 2024

The UMH Rector, Mr Juan José Ruiz Martinez, highlighted his internationally recognised scientific career linked to his commitment to his patients and society.
On Wednesday 22nd May, in an exciting afternoon, Dr Rafael Bernabeu received the highest distinction awarded by the Miguel Hernández University from the hands of its Rector, surrounded by colleagues, professional friends and his family.
A well-deserved tribute to more than 40 years of work dedicated to the advancement of science in the field of reproductive medicine. Juan José Ruiz emphasised that the notorious professional merits of Instituto Bernabeu’s medical director, among which, outstanding milestones in the field of international and national reproductive medicine, which added to his teaching work, philanthropic commitment and human quality at the service of society, together with ‘his determined contribution to the prestige of the university institution of which he has been director of the Chair, teacher and researcher’, have made him worthy of the Medal of Honour of the UMH.
Together with Dr Bernabeu, Dr Constantino Sotelo Martinez was also honoured, with whom they share professional similarities. Both are directors of Chairs, both have a prestigious scientific output and both have a career linked to research applied to the treatment of their patients – in the case of Dr Sotelo, as director of the Institute of Neurosciences.
After the awarding of the Medals of Honour, the ‘Recognition of International Excellence Research 2023 of the UMH’ took place. Among the distinguished scientists, Professor Domingo Orozco and Professor Vicente Gil, co-founders together with Professor Bernabeu of the Chair of Community Medicine and Reproductive Health.
An unforgettable evening for the honourees that was enlivened by the verses of Miguel Hernández in the voice and guitar of Fraskito and Montse Vives in the cello.