Innovation gives us life. Instituto Bernabeu Cartagena inaugurates new laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment at the clinic
January, 12th 2022

Cartagena residents can undergo any type of assisted reproduction treatment without leaving their home town. The clinic has just incorporated the latest technology to its IVF laboratory, such as modern embryo incubators and the latest laser blastocyst biopsy equipment for PGD.
Infertility cases are becoming increasingly complex. And the unstoppable advance of science is making possible to provide solutions to the constant challenges. At the same time, technology is developing to make possible what was impossible until yesterday. The most expert hands and the latest technology allow Instituto Bernabeu Cartagena to offer the best reproductive medicine in Europe.
Since 2003, Cartagena has had this pioneering clinic in the use of the latest technology. It is the third of the eight clinics the Instituto Bernabeu Group currently has. And true to its commitment to offer the most cutting-edge reproductive medicine, this January the facilities have been renovated with the incorporation of the latest technology and new laboratories to continue offering excellent care including all treatments and necessary tests without leaving the city.

New IVF Lab
Instituto Bernabeu Cartagena has a new in vitro fertilisation laboratory incorporating the latest technology to perform any of the assisted reproduction treatments the patient may need to achieve pregnancy: from artificial insemination, to classic IVF, IVF ICSI or IVF ROPA. Embryo-adoption, egg and sperm donation or the most cutting-edge technology to perform PGD (Preimplantational Genetic Diagnosis) on the embryo. These modern technological incorporations, together with its experienced team, guarantee the best gestational success rates in both fresh and frozen embryos.
Own gamete bank
Furthermore, having our own gamete (egg and sperm) bank allows you to help create new family models: single motherhood by personal choice and lesbian, bisexual and transgender motherhood.
New hirings
This renewal of equipment has also meant the incorporation of new qualified staff at the Instituto Bernabeu Cartagena clinic.
Latest generation incubators
Among the main technological innovations are the new Geri® time lapse incubators. This is the most advanced technology for personalised monitoring of the embryo, monitored through electronic devices thanks to which embryo development can be followed from a computer, mobile phone or tablet without the need to remove the embryo from the environment to check its correct development. A technology that has proven to obtain better results in pregnancy and more efficiency when it comes to the complete development of the embryo.

More powerful microscopes
To perform the ICSI technique of intracytoplasmic injection of the selected spermatozoa into the egg, the clinic has incorporated one of the most powerful microscopes, adapted to a state-of-the-art micromanipulation system to perform ICSI and embryo biopsies. This equipment is connected to a laser equipment of maximum precision.

Dr Jorge Ten, Instituto Bernabeu’s director of the Embryology Unit, states this is another step forward in Instituto Bernabeu’s line of providing the highest quality standards. “We have renewed the equipment at Instituto Bernabeu Cartagena, incorporating the latest technology. We have one of the best microscopes and micromanipulation systems, as well as the best time-lapse incubators. We have an equipment monitoring system with remote controls that sends alerts to our mobile phone. Having these parameters under control allows us to have the best equipment in the Region of Murcia,” emphasises Dr Ten.

Theater Room upgrading
As part of the renovation work, the operating theatre has also been renewed and, among other upgrades, has been equipped with state-of-the-art anaesthesia equipment.
R+D+I projects and specific treatment units without leaving Cartagena
Instituto Bernabeu Cartagena is the only clinic in Cartagena that offers all assisted reproduction services within its facilities. It has its own operating theatre and an expert anaesthesia team. Three rooms for individual patient use. An embryology laboratory and an independent clinical analysis laboratory, sample taking and extraction rooms. A sterilisation and laundry room. It has separate waiting rooms, medical and administration offices to offer elite reproductive medicine in a bright environment with carefully designed architecture.

Its facilities not only provide care, but are also committed to research. During these years, different projects have been developed within the line of R+D+I developed by Instituto Bernabeu which have been published in the main scientific journals of the speciality or presented at international congresses.
IB Cartagena, like any other Instituto Bernabeu clinic, has the most advanced units for the treatment of infertility such as implantation failure and repeated miscarriage; low ovarian reserve; endometriosis; obesity and infertility, among others. This way, our patients benefit of the diagnostic and treatment advances of one of the most important European groups.