Instituto Bernabeu designs a specific 100% Pregnancy and Childbirth Success Guarantee programme for patients with low ovarian reserve.
February, 4th 2022

Instituto Bernabeu takes a new step forward with its Única Bernabeu 100% Pregnancy and Birth Guarantee programme, a pioneer in Europe since 2014: It has just incorporated a new combined double IVF+Ovodonation guarantee programme designed for patients with low ovarian reserve. It is the confidence of a job well done and commitment to the patient’s motherhood and involves the complete refund if pregnancy is not achieved during the 18 months of validity.
Specially designed for patients with low ovarian reserve, the double IVF+Ovodonation combined guarantee applies the cutting-edge double IVF technique -a strategy with optimal results in patients with low ovarian reserve-, which consists of performing two in vitro fertilisation treatments consecutively in the same cycle. This makes it possible to accumulate the embryos obtained in each process and improve the ovarian response in the second cycle after the first stimulation (in the luteal phase), by increasing the eggs’ capacity to react to the stimulation. This treatment opens up an advantageous possibility for those patients who barely manage to obtain four or fewer eggs in each stimulation cycle.
The UNICA Bernabeu pregnancy guarantee programme designed for patients with low ovarian reserve combines the double consecutive IVF technique, together with two egg donation treatments, as well as all the cryotransfers of the generated embryos.