Instituto Bernabeu identifies the factors that permit embryo cell abnormality prediction in IFV treatment cycles
June, 14th 2017

Instituto Bernabeu will present research work entitled ‘Factors associated with chromosomal mosaicism in trophoectoderm cells’ at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) congress to be held between 2nd and 5th July in Geneva, Switzerland.
The researchers at Instituto Bernabeu point out that their work is “incredibly relevant since we have identified factors that mean we can predict the probability of mosaicism in embryos during courses of IVF treatment.”
Two cell populations with different genetic endowment co-exist in embryos with chromosomal mosaicism. It is a relatively frequent phenomenon in IVF cycles. Embryos of this kind can implant and lead to the birth of a healthy child but their ability to lead to full-term pregnancies is slightly under that of chromosomally normal embryos.
The study analysed different variables linked to chromosomal mosaicism. The experts have identified factors that can increase the chances of an embryo being mosaic. The results were obtained following analysis of 1,923 embryos from 704 courses of IVF.
The research determines that, whilst maternal age does not appear to affect mosaicism, paternal age does. Furthermore, the older the father, the greater the chance of the embryo having chromosomal mosaicism: 10.7% of embryos from males under 40 years of age compared with 14% in the case of males over 40 years of age.
The quality of the male partner’s semen, FISH in spermatozoa and sperm fragmentation would not appear to influence embryo mosaicism. Embryo quality is, however, associated with mosaicism. In embryos graded as A-level quality, only 8.2% of embryos have embryo mosaicism compared with 13.8% in B-level quality embryos, 24.1% in C-level quality embryos and 22.4% in D-level quality embryos.
The research work was carried out by doctors José Antonio Ortiz, Belén Lledó, Ruth Morales, Eva García-Hernández, Jorge Ten and the Medical Director of Instituto Bernabeu, Rafael Bernabeu.
Factors associated with chromosomal mosaicism in trophoectoderm cells. J.A. Ortiz, B. Lledo, R. Morales, E. García-Hernández, J. Ten, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu.