

Instituto Bernabeu participates in the post ESHRE about AI progress.

July, 12th 2023

Instituto Bernabeu participates in the post ESHRE about AI progress.

The Reprofact Expert Debrief 2023 was attended by our colleague Dr Jorge Ten, embryology director at Instituto Bernabeu and member of the Artificial Intelligence Unit.
The advances related to Artificial Intelligence in the IVF laboratory, as well as the main conclusions of the last European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 2023 congress edition held in Copenhagen, were discussed in excellent presentations that, together with Dr Ten, were given by Christophe Blockeel, Georg Griesinger, Stratis Kolibianakis and Scott Nelson under the CooperSurgical Fertility Solutions excellent organisation.
Undoubtedly, a meeting of excellent technical level where we have been able to share the present and future of reproductive medicine with hundreds of connected spectators.

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