


Dr Belen Moliner participates in a webinar on the latest advances in ultrasound in reproductive medicine

Dr Belen Moliner participates in a webinar on the latest advances in ultrasound in reproductive medicine

Gynecologist at Instituto Bernabeu, Dr Belen Moliner, participates on Thursday, July 1st , in a specialized webinar on the latest advances in ultrasound in reproductive medicine organized by GE Healthcare. Instituto Bernabeu’s coordinator of the […]

Instituto Bernabeu compares results after transferring fresh and frozen embryos in egg donation cycles which require a genetic test to detect chromosomal alterations

Instituto Bernabeu compares results after transferring fresh and frozen embryos in egg donation cycles which require a genetic test to detect chromosomal alterations

Instituto Bernabeu presents at the 37th edition of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) congress an investigation under the title Fresh vs frozen PGT-A cycles in donor oocyte recipients. The work takes […]

The magazine with the scientific works presented at the ESHRE congress is now available

The magazine with the scientific works presented at the ESHRE congress is now available

Instituto Bernabeu has an unavoidable meeting at the end of June. We attend the most important international scientific meeting, the XXXVII Congress of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). It’s an exchange of […]

Instituto Bernabeu investigates the links between chromosomal polymorphisms and the vitro fertilization results

Instituto Bernabeu investigates the links between chromosomal polymorphisms and the vitro fertilization results

Some chromosomes variations are very frequent in the general population but are even more so in the infertile population. About 2 to 5% of general population, but in infertile population it exceed 10%. The chromosomes […]

An Instituto Bernabeu investigation presented at ESHRE concludes that Clinical outcomes of mosaic embryos are similar between young and older women

An Instituto Bernabeu investigation presented at ESHRE concludes that Clinical outcomes of mosaic embryos are similar between young and older women

Chromosomal abnormalities are common in the analyzed embryos for preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) cycles. Mosaicism (the presence of two or more chromosomally distinct cell lines) is a usual event in embryos derived from […]

Instituto Bernabeu presents at ESHRE a study of the vaginal microbiome as a diagnostic method for chronic endometritis

Instituto Bernabeu presents at ESHRE a study of the vaginal microbiome as a diagnostic method for chronic endometritis

Knowing if the vaginal and endometrial microbiome can be a diagnostic method for chronic endometritis is one of the objectives of Instituto Bernabeu’s research  presented at the 37 Annual Meeting ESHRE, the congress of the […]

Research by Instituto Bernabeu applies Artificial Intelligence to predict mosaicism and aneuploidies in the embryo

Research by Instituto Bernabeu applies Artificial Intelligence to predict mosaicism and aneuploidies in the embryo

Artificial Intelligence has been revealed as a fundamental technological tool also in the field of reproductive medicine to, among other things, improve success rates. Instituto Bernabeu has developed a machine learning algorithm to predict the […]

Instituto Bernabeu presents the main advances in assisted reproduction in the Spanish Fertility Society virtual meeting

Instituto Bernabeu presents the main advances in assisted reproduction in the Spanish Fertility Society virtual meeting

Instituto Bernabeu has participated in the first Virtual Seminar Groups of Interest SEF, of the Spanish Fertility Society held on May 19 and 20, 2021. The director of the Low Ovarian Reserve Unit has talked […]

The ESHRE-ASRM 2021 congress focus the debate of specialists in the PGT-A, the non-invasive biopsy and double stimulation.

The ESHRE-ASRM 2021 congress focus the debate of specialists in the PGT-A, the non-invasive biopsy and double stimulation.

Among the relevant aspects addressed in the international congress in which European and American specialists participated, two stand out, on the one hand the PGT-A and on the other the double ovarian stimulation. Instituto Bernabeu […]

Instituto Bernabeu talks about the pharmacist’s role in reproductive medicine to the UMH Pharmacy students

Instituto Bernabeu talks about the pharmacist’s role in reproductive medicine to the UMH Pharmacy students

Pharmacy students at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche have learned first-hand the pharmacist’s role in assisted reproduction and the work these professionals carry out in the laboratories of the Instituto Bernabeu. They have […]

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