


Human Reproduction highlights Instituto Bernabeu research work that addresses the influence of mitochondrial DNA on IVF results

Human Reproduction highlights Instituto Bernabeu research work that addresses the influence of mitochondrial DNA on IVF results

Human Reproduction, a scientific journal, has published research work carried out by Instituto Bernabeu that examines whether or not the number of mitochondrial DNA copies (mtDNA) in human embryos can affect pregnancy rates. The clinic …

New IB Newsletter: The wait will end just the way you hoped it would. Guaranteed!

New IB Newsletter: The wait will end just the way you hoped it would. Guaranteed!

We have launched a new issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter “IB Newsletter”. Pregnancy and childbirth guarantee programme or 100% reimbursment.

Instituto Bernabeu studies use of a new drug in order to reduce contractions before embryo transfer in patients with elevated uterine contractility

Instituto Bernabeu studies use of a new drug in order to reduce contractions before embryo transfer in patients with elevated uterine contractility

Instituto Bernabeu research has looked into reducing uterine hypercontractility prior to embryo transfer and if administering Atosiban helps patients with this issue.  The results of the research work entitled ‘Treatment of uterine hypercontractility with Atosiban …

Instituto Bernabeu researchers describe progress in diagnosis of a rare complication: uterine incarceration

Instituto Bernabeu researchers describe progress in diagnosis of a rare complication: uterine incarceration

Instituto Bernabeu researchers have presented experience of a clinical case that describes uterine incarceration, a very infrequent complication during pregnancy. They gave their presentation at the 1st National Congress of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and …

‘The future is now.’ Dr Rafael Bernabeu addresses innovation in the field of biomedicine at the 20th Intellectual Property and Innovation Congress

‘The future is now.’ Dr Rafael Bernabeu addresses innovation in the field of biomedicine at the 20th Intellectual Property and Innovation Congress

Dr Rafael Bernabeu, Medical Director at Instituto Bernabeu, has participated in the 20th Intellectual Property and Innovation Congress. The event fosters development in various innovation-intensive industries and it is held at the University of Alicante …

New IB Newsletter: We help you so you can help many others

New IB Newsletter: We help you so you can help many others

We have launched a new issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter “IB Newsletter”. Rafael Bernabeu Charitable Foundation opens the call for its scholarships for university students endowed with 45.000 euros. Students of Medicine, Nursing, Biology and Biotechnology …

Research by Instituto Bernabeu investigates if the choice of day for sperm retrieval has an impact on pregnancy results

Research by Instituto Bernabeu investigates if the choice of day for sperm retrieval has an impact on pregnancy results

Azoospermia is one of the causes of male sterility. In order to be able to retrieve spermatozoa in men with this condition, the man has to undergo techniques involving sperm aspiration from the epididymis or …

Instituto Bernabeu carries out research to determine if the number of twin pregnancies increases following embryo biopsy

Instituto Bernabeu carries out research to determine if the number of twin pregnancies increases following embryo biopsy

A team of gynaecologists, embryologists, molecular biologists and biologists at Instituto Bernabeu has carried out research to determine if there is an increased number of monozygotic twin pregnancies following transfer when an embryo biopsy during …

Instituto Bernabeu studies the impact on pregnancy rates of random-start ovarian stimulation performed on oocyte donors

Instituto Bernabeu studies the impact on pregnancy rates of random-start ovarian stimulation performed on oocyte donors

Instituto Bernabeu has presented research work analysing the clinical results obtained in an oocyte donor programme following random-start ovarian stimulation in comparison with conventional ovarian stimulation to the Sterility and Infertility Section of the Spanish …

We will help you so that you can help others – 2019

We will help you so that you can help others – 2019

The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation has launched the edition of its €45,000 university student scholarship programme.

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