
Instituto Bernabeu has delivered research work on the detection of chromosomal mosaicism in embryos using next generation sequencing (NGS) and its influence on birth rates to the Association for the Study of Reproduction Biology (ASEBIR) …

Instituto Bernabeu is responsible for organising the ‘IB International Workshop 2018: A new approach to nursing in fertility’ international congress due to be held on 11th and 12th May 2018 in the auditorium at the clinic’s headquarters …

On Friday 24th November, Dr María Antonio López Rubio, a gynaecologist at Instituto Bernabeu in Albacete, will participate in the 22st edition of the event organised by the Spanish Society of General Practitioners of Castilla La Mancha …

Gynaecologist, Andrea Bernabeu, receives in New York the Young Investigator Award
Andrea Bernabeu, PhD, MD, Gynaecologist at Instituto Bernabeu, has received in New York the Young Investigator Award for her work on advanced genetics techniques on chromosome alteration on embryos.

New IB Newsletter: The answer when everything else fail
We have launched a new issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter “IB Newsletter”. Instituto Bernabeu deals with the most complex of cases because it has over 30 years’ experience that are a guarantee of expert hands …

On 24th November, the University of Alicante will hold the V Edition of Patent Rights and Biotechnology Event organised by Magister Lvcentinvs – the centre for Master’s Degree education in Industrial and Intellectual Property at the University of Alicante. At the event, …

A team of researchers at Instituto Bernabeu has completed a prospective randomised clinical trial aimed at understanding if selection of an embryo generated during a cycle of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is possible when morphological …

Instituto Bernabeu will once again participate in the Association for the Study of Reproduction Biology (ASEBIR) Congress that is due to be held in Madrid between 15th and 17th November. The reproductive medicine clinic will present ten …

The Medical Director of Instituto Bernabeu, Dr Rafael Bernabeu, will participate in the 5th edition of the Contraception Congress organised by the Castilla La Mancha Contraception Society due to be held in Albacete on the 10th and …

New IB Newsletter: The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation gives 15,000 euros in scholarships
We have launched a new issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter “IB Newsletter”. Within the framework of annual support given to university studies, the Rafael Bernabeu Social Welfare Foundation at Instituto Bernabeu has awarded scholarships to …