
Dr Rafael Bernabeu will participate in a seminar which is part of the Master’s Course in Healthcare Management at Miguel Hernández University (Sant Joan d’Alacant campus). The lecture is entitled ‘Innovation in private management. Challenges …

The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation collaborates in the construction of a school and a well in Uganda
The Instituto Bernabeu Group social enterprise – the Rafael Bernabeu Social Welfare Foundation – has donated 2,000 euros to the Rafiki Africa Foundation in support of a number of humanitarian projects.

Instituto Bernabeu is today celebrating World DNA Day with a visit of its facilities by 15 and 16-year-old students from Jaime II secondary school in Alicante. The clinic is opening its doors to the students …

Instituto Bernabeu research on ‘Next-generation sequencing in order to detect low-level mosaicism and its effect on live birth rates’ was one of the pieces of research work presented at the 16th edition of the Pre-implantation Genetic …

New IB Newsletter: IVF Agency of the year 2016 award
The new Instituto Bernabeu Group newsletter is now available, dedicated to the international platform,, has chosen to name us IVF Agency of the Year, 2016.

The Medical Director of Instituto Bernabeu, Dr Rafael Bernabeu, has been named a referee of the scientific magazine, Human Reproduction, among other scientists. Dr Bernabeu will take the role of evaluator and reviewer of the scientific quality …

Instituto Bernabeu will present its research work entitled ‘Factors associated with chromosomal mosaicism in trophoectoderm cells’ at the 16th edition of the International Conference on Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis organised by the Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society.

Instituto Bernabeu will present two pieces of research work at the 16th edition of the International Conference on Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis organised by the Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society (PGDIS) to be held between the 26th and …

New IB Newsletter: VII edition of the children’s maternity-related art competition
New issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter (IB NEWSLETTER). The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation launches the VII edition of the children’s maternity-related art competition.