


Nine students of Medicine, Biology and Nursing receive a scholarship from charitable Foundation Rafael Bernabeu to support them in their degree

Nine students of Medicine, Biology and Nursing receive a scholarship from charitable Foundation Rafael Bernabeu to support them in their degree

The Charitable Foundation Rafael Bernabeu, social entity delivers today 22.500 euros to bright students with financial constraints to help them continue their degree.

Video interview with the speakers of the Instituto Bernabeu International Conference on Advances in Reproductive Medicine

Video interview with the speakers of the Instituto Bernabeu International Conference on Advances in Reproductive Medicine

The recent international congress Meeting The Experts provided relevant reviews and information on the latest scientific advances in the treatment of reproductive problems. We were able to interview all the speakers that clarified these aspects. …

New IB Newsletter:  Progress and the challenges of fertility at the II Edition of the Meeting the Experts Congress

New IB Newsletter: Progress and the challenges of fertility at the II Edition of the Meeting the Experts Congress

New issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter (IB NEWSLETTER) on the Progress and the challenges of fertility at the II Edition of the Meeting the Experts Congress. The II edition of Meeting the Experts left participants feeling …

The Spanish Fertility Society has turned to Instituto Bernabeu to write about Genetic Studies in Reproduction Disorders for its clinical guide aimed at gynaecologists.

The Spanish Fertility Society has turned to Instituto Bernabeu to write about Genetic Studies in Reproduction Disorders for its clinical guide aimed at gynaecologists.

Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante has presented ‘Genetic Studies in Reproduction Disorders. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. Preconception Counselling’ for the guide published by the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF). 

The registration period for the reproductive medicine training seminar aimed at nursing graduates is now open

The registration period for the reproductive medicine training seminar aimed at nursing graduates is now open

Instituto Bernabeu and the University of Cartagena will hold a free seminar on nursing and reproductive medicine. Reproductive health issues have increased over the last few years and the role of nursing specialists is increasingly important in terms of prevention, …

The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation provides free egg freezing for patients suffering from cancer, thus facilitating the option of motherhood once the patient has recovered

The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation provides free egg freezing for patients suffering from cancer, thus facilitating the option of motherhood once the patient has recovered

Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante’s Social Wellbeing Foundation gives women who have to undergo cancer treatment the option of freezing their eggs free of charge.

Significant media coverage of the II edition of the Meeting the Experts International Congress.

Significant media coverage of the II edition of the Meeting the Experts International Congress.

We would like to thank members of the media who visited our facilities in order to report on the event held on 30th September and 1st October.

Dr Ll. Aparicio’s speech at the Reproductive Health Group Congress

Dr Ll. Aparicio’s speech at the Reproductive Health Group Congress

Dr Ll. Aparicio, Director of our specific Unit for the treatment of Poor Ovarian Reserve participated in the Second Congress of Reproductive Health Group (RHG) held on the 7th and 8th October at Daresbury Park, UK.

World leaders in fertility gathered at the Instituto Bernabeu International Congress to present latest developments.

World leaders in fertility gathered at the Instituto Bernabeu International Congress to present latest developments.

In less than two decades, the average age at which couples have their first child has been pushed back from 26 to 31 years, coinciding with the onset of ovarian ageing and increased difficulties in …

New IB Newsletter: IBgen FIV. Know the genetics of your ovarian reserve.

New IB Newsletter: IBgen FIV. Know the genetics of your ovarian reserve.

New issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter (IB NEWSLETTER) about the IBgen IVF. It is a ground breaking study of the ovarian genetics that provides important information to solve those medical cases of women seeking to …

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