


BFS. 2016 Annual Meeting: Research work presented by Instituto Bernabeu and IB Biotech teams.

BFS. 2016 Annual Meeting: Research work presented by Instituto Bernabeu and IB Biotech teams.

The British Fertility Society’s Annual Meeting will take place in Sage Gateshead, Newcastle (UK) today and tomorrow (7th and 8th January). This edition’s theme is ‘Gamete Formation, Preservation and Donation.’  

The Instituto Bernabeu Foundation will donate € 45,000 in scholarships for Biology, Medicine, Biotechnology and Nursing students with financial difficulties

The Instituto Bernabeu Foundation will donate € 45,000 in scholarships for Biology, Medicine, Biotechnology and Nursing students with financial difficulties

Continuing the social commitment of Instituto Bernabeu, the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation awards a total of 18 scholarships for students of Medicine, Biotechnology, Biology and Nursing, each one of 2,500€; which are payable by check to the student to help …

Instituto Bernabeu Research: New classification of Adenomyosis

Instituto Bernabeu Research: New classification of Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is an entity with an unknown influence in implantation. Several studies achieve until 68% less pregnancy rate when adenomyosis is diagnosed, although another groups didn’t see differences. Severity of adenomyosis could be influencing in …

IB Research: “Outcome of oocyte vitrification using open vs. closed devices”

IB Research: “Outcome of oocyte vitrification using open vs. closed devices”

Vitrification virtually eliminates the major problem associated with cryopreservation, which is the formation of ice crystals. Recent papers have shown that warming is more important than cooling rates. Survival rates of vitrified oocytes and embryos …

IB research: “Ovarian induction in egg donors: Corifollitropin alfa versus urinary FSH”

IB research: “Ovarian induction in egg donors: Corifollitropin alfa versus urinary FSH”

In last years corifollitropin alfa (ElonvaTM) has been added to the treatments available to induce ovulation. It is especially designed to work much longer than conventional FSH, so that one single injection of Elonva can …

We share with the scientist community our results from two years of experience on the validation of our Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

We share with the scientist community our results from two years of experience on the validation of our Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

In the last years, on the way to single embryo transfer (SET),  preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) using array technology to test embryo aneuploidy of all chromosomes in the blastocyst stage, is becoming the technique of …

IB Research: Does blastocyst biopsy affect to the implantation potential of frozen-thawed chromosomally normal embryos?

IB Research: Does blastocyst biopsy affect to the implantation potential of frozen-thawed chromosomally normal embryos?

Blastocyst biopsy for Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (CCS) treatments can be addressed through different strategies. When biopsy on D+5 is performed, fresh transfer on day 6 is possible. There is also the option of freezing the …

IB Research on the Embryo Vitrification Model: optimizing the equilibration time.

IB Research on the Embryo Vitrification Model: optimizing the equilibration time.

Vitrification techniques are commonly used in In vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories. The vitrification process includes a first step of embryo equilibration. This step never exceeds 15 minutes because cryoprotectans can produce embryo damage. The aim …

IB Research: CCS as a means of achieving pregnancy in women who are polymorphism carriers.

IB Research: CCS as a means of achieving pregnancy in women who are polymorphism carriers.

Developments in Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) which provides information on the chromosomal make-up of embryos, have meant that we are able to determine which embryos have chromosome abnormalities and study possible factors affecting those abnormalities.

IB Research: avoiding sexually transmitted diseases in egg donors.

IB Research: avoiding sexually transmitted diseases in egg donors.

Assuring the best quality and health guarantees of donated gametes for our egg receptor patients has led us to take into account other aspects. As well as the usual tests for egg donor candidates (karyotyping, screening for cystic fibrosis, fragile X …

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