The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation social welfare programme consolidates its support for members of APSA so that they can use genetic diagnosis to conceive healthy children.
July, 10th 2018

Parents’ main aim in life is to ensure that their children are born healthy and that they, as parents, have the chance to ensure this happens. With this in mind, the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation makes its resources and research available so that people faced with health issues and also financial difficulties can try for children who are free of the illness they are carrying. The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Instituto Bernabeu’s social wellness programme has, for many years, been offering preferential service when providing treatment for associations and social entities, including members of the Association in Support of the Mentally Ill of Alicante (Asociación Pro Discapacitados Psíquicos de Alicante, APSA). This link has become more consolidated and has increased through a collaboration agreement signed by the Foundation and APSA, the aim of which is to ensure that financial difficulties are not an obstacle when trying for a healthy family. The foundation provides members of ASPA with financial donations to an equivalent of 15% of the value of fertility treatment, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and associated tests which are carried out at Instituto Bernabeu. The aim is to ensure that children are not born with the disease that their parents are carrying and this was reflected in the agreement which Andrea Bernabeu, the Foundation’s representative, signed along with the head of APSA, Carlos Giner, at the association’s headquarters.