Instituto Bernabeu Research: The effect of embryo biopsy during the freezing and thawing processes.
April, 6th 2016

Progress in embryo cryopreservation techniques have helped to obtain excellent survival rates in the different embryo stages. The embryo selection strategy using embryo genetic diagnosis means that, on occasions, we have to cryopreserve embryos. Additionally, and on the whole, working with chromosomally normal embryos means being able to opt for transfer of a single, fresh embryo whilst using cryopreservation for the remaining embryos with no chromosomal abnormalities. For the patients, the financial and emotional input which treatment with embryo biopsy involves is huge and this is why we recommend an exhaustive follow-up of how those embryos which have undergone cryopreservation respond to vitrification.
A 100% survival rate in these embryos has been observed to date which would suggest that undergoing biopsy may be advantageous when compared with the remaining embryos. This high survival rate means that embryo biopsy with vitrification in all embryos would be an option, if necessary, without this having a negative impact on the embryo.
This research is one of 11 lines of work carried out by our group and selected by the ASEBIR (Spanish Association for the Study of Biology and Human Reproduction) scientific committee for it’s bi-annual event held in November.
DO BIOPSIED EMBRYOS RESPOND DIFFERENTY TO VITRIFICATION AND THAWING PROCESSES? M.C. Tió, J. Ten, J. Guerrero, A. Rodríguez-Arnedo, M.D. Pérez-Izquierdo, B. Moliner, A. Bernabeu, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. Oral Presentation