VIII ASEBIR CONGRESS: Research work presented by Instituto Bernabeu and IB Biotech teams.
November, 18th 2015

The VIII edition of the ASEBIR Congress (Spanish Association for the Study of Biology and Human Reproduction) will be held over the coming days in San Sebastian, northern Spain. From now and until 20th November, embryologists from Spain’s most prominent assisted reproduction centres will discuss current issues in the field of reproduction.
The Instituto Bernabeu team will play a very active role in the event with the presentation of a total of eleven pieces of research work carried out by our reproduction biology department and IB BIOTECH, Instituto Bernabeu’s biotechnology and genetics company.
Amongst work presented by the Instituto Bernabeu Biotech team will be three pieces of research on different uses of the Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) technique for improvement of in vitro fertilisation cycle results in receptor patients (1), (2) and (4); a study on the use of the STI-Multiplex Array technique for the analysis of the presence of microorganisms which cause different sexually transmitted diseases in egg donors and the prevention of their transmission to the receptor (3); and a study on the utility of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) on embryos from males with altered spermatozoid FISH (5).
1. Chromosomal polymorphisms increase aneuploidy rates in gametes and embryos. R. Morales, B. Lledo B, JA. Ortiz, E. García-Hernández, H. Blanca, J. Guerrero, J. Ten, J. Ll. Aparicio. R. Bernabeu. Oral Presentation.
3. Prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) in asymptomatic egg donors. E. García-Hernández, JA. Ortiz, B. Lledó, R. Morales, A. Fabregat and R. Bernabeu. Poster.
4. Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (CCS) efficiency on D+5 to improve IVF cycle success rates in receptors with repeated implantation failure (RIF) and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). B. Lledó, R. Morales, JA. Ortiz, H. Blanca, J. Guerrero, J. Ten, J. Ll. Aparicio and R. Bernabeu. Poster.
5. Altered FISH in sperm. Would you be indicated Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)? A. Fabregat, N. Baeza, JA. Ortiz, B. Lledó, R. Morales, J. Ten, MC. Tió, J. Ll. Aparicio and R. Bernabeu. Poster.
For its part, the reproduction biology department at Instituto Bernabeu will present three pieces of research work taken from different perspectives on improving embryo quality during the first few days of development (6), (7), (8); a study which demonstrates that new techniques used in in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) laboratories do not alter embryo transfer results (9); work which aims to determine the relationship between two aspects of embryo quality with posterior genetic diagnosis (10); and a presentation on biopsied embryo response to vitrification and thawing processes (11).
7. Is there a relationship between accelerated embryo division on day 3 and aneuploidy rates? A. Rodríguez-Arnedo, J. Ten, M.C. Tió, H. Blanca, M.C. Díaz, B. Lledó, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. Poster
9. Hatched embryo transfer following biopsy does not alter implantation success rates. J. Ten, A. Rodríguez-Arnedo, J. Guerrero, M.C. Díaz, H. Blanca, J.A. Ortíz, B. Lledó, B. Moliner, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. Poster.
10. Internal cellular mass and traphodecterm quality indicate embryo aneuploidy rates. M.C. Díaz, J. Ten, A. Rodríguez-Arnedo, M.C. Tió, J. Guerrero, H. Blanca, B. Lledó, B. Moliner, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. Poster.
11. Do biopsied embryos respond differently to vitrification and thawing processes? J. Ten, J. Guerrero, A. Rodríguez-Arnedo, M.D. Pérez-Izquierdo, B. Moliner, A. Bernabeu, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. Oral Presentation.
Additionally, Dr Belén Lledó, scientific director at Instituto Bernabeu Biotech, will make a presentation on the latest advances in research work awarded a prize in the congress’ previous edition.
R72P SNP genotyping of the p53 gene in patients with repeated implantation failure or recurrent pregnancy loss and their effect on IVF cycles.B. Lledo; A. Turienzo; J.A. Ortiz; R. Morales; J. Ten; J. Ll. Aparicio; R. Bernabeu.
Refer to the webpage for the VIII ASEBIR Congress full programme of events.
Photo Gallery VIII edition ASEBIR Congress
Further information on our research work with links to our latest scientific research papers and work presented in cutting-edge congresses in the field of reproductive medicine and genetics is available.