Instituto Bernabeu discovers during research work that random-start ovarian stimulation does not affect oocyte potential
September, 5th 2018

During assisted reproduction treatment, conventional ovarian stimulation is performed over the first few days of the menstrual cycle. However, recent research shows that it can begin on any day of the menstrual cycle. The advantage is a decrease in the total time before treatment can begin. During the research, the oocyte retrieval results using the two strategies were similar.
Going a step further in terms of studying the potential of the oocytes in question, the reproductive medicine clinic set itself the objective of assessing if there are differences between the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos obtained from oocytes using one or other of the two stimulation techniques. The research was managed by biologist Jaime Guerrero and it has been selected by the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) scientific committee. It suggests that random-start ovarian stimulation does not affect the potential of oocytes obtained during euploidy blastocyst formation nor any other parameter linked to the effectiveness of the treatment.
Tasa de blastocistos aneuploides y mosaicismo tras estimulación ovárica aleatoria. Guerrero, J.; Ortiz Salcedo, JA.; Ten Morro, J.; Rodríguez-arnedo, A.; Bernabeu García, A.; Ll. Aparicio Aparicio, J.; Bernabeu Pérez, R.