Will my embryos be abnormal again in the next cycle? IB Research presented to the SEF 2016.
June, 2nd 2016

Embryonic aneuploidy is one of the main causes of failure in IVF techniques and for that reason Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) of the embryo is a useful tool for improving success rates in IVF cycles.
This research work has been accepted for oral presentation at the 31st National Congress organized by the Spanish Fertility Society – Sociedad Española de Fertilidad (SEF) which will be held in Malaga in May 2016, and focuses on analyzing whether the rates of aneuploidy in consecutive cycles of a same couple are similar. To this end, we selected couples who had undergone two CCS cycles with a time difference not greater than a year between them, and in which stimulation protocols, number of oocytes retrieved and embryo biopsies were essentially identical in both cycles. Despite considerable similarity between both cycles, there were differences in the rates of embryonic aneuploidy between the first and second cycle.
To conclude, our data show that there is no relationship between the rates of embryonic aneuploidy in consecutive cycles of the same couple. An embryo cohort with a high rate of aneuploidy should not be repeated in the second CCS cycle.
VARIABILITY IN THE RATE OF EMBRYONIC ANEUPLOIDY BETWEEN CONSECUTUVE CCS CYCLES. J.A. Ortiz, B. Lledó, R. Morales, A. Turienzo, J. Ten, A. Bernabeu, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu.