


A Caratgena´s Clinic has fertilize in vitro to 300 women during last year

A Caratgena´s Clinic has fertilize in vitro to 300 women during last year

Around 300 couples have come to the clinic that the Instituto Bernabeu opened in Cartagena in 2004, to go through an In Vitro Fertilization. Dr. Fernando Araico, a member of the team, said … Source: […]

Rafael Bernabeu Foundation has signed a collaboration agreement with Cocemfe for which its members will have a preferential treatment at the IB

Rafael Bernabeu Foundation has signed a collaboration agreement with Cocemfe for which its members will have a preferential treatment at the IB

Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work and the Physical and Organic Disabled Confederation of the Comunudad Valenciana (Cocemfe) has signed a collaboration agreement for which its members will have …

Conference about the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). Dr. Eduardo Vilaplan in charge

Conference about the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). Dr. Eduardo Vilaplan in charge

Dr. Eduardo Vilaplana supervises the vaccination program at the IB and is one of the nine members of the group that developed the Scientific Society Consensus Document about the HPV vaccines, gave the past 14th […]

Instituto Bernabeu presented the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work

Instituto Bernabeu presented the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work

The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work has been presented today in Alicante, it has a social, educational, cultural scientific character and investigation promotion. Sómnica and Andrea Bernabeu attended the ceremony …

I Conference about quality systems in Assisted Reproduction

I Conference about quality systems in Assisted Reproduction

Dr. Rafael Bernabeu will take part in the I Conference about quality systems in Assisted Reproduction with a speech. The conference will take place in Madrid on Saturday 16th of June from 11:30m in the […]

Conference: Open debate: Homosexuality and Assisted Reproduction

Conference: Open debate: Homosexuality and Assisted Reproduction

Being an homosexual couple is not synonimous of not being able to have children.The existing assisted reproduction techniques, joint to the open legislation regarding this matter, make possible that couples formed by two women can […]

The Instituto Bernabeu is the first health company that takes part into Fundesem

The Instituto Bernabeu is the first health company that takes part into Fundesem

The Instituto Bernabeu is, from tomorrow , the first health company member of Fundesem. Past 11 am, took place in Fundesem head office in Alicante the agreement signature through which IB.

Course “Social and Technical aspects of the current Assisted Reproduction”

Course “Social and Technical aspects of the current Assisted Reproduction”

Infertility or Sterility problems affect more and more the global population at reproductive age, with a prevalence of aproximately 12-15%. Althought in most cases there aren´t alterations that affect directly to health conditions.

5th Anniversary of the IB Elche branch

5th Anniversary of the IB Elche branch

Today we have presented to the media the five year work assesment of the Instituto Bernabeu in Elche. The Instituto Bernabeu in Elche was born with the intention of making easy the access to assisted […]

The Instituto Bernabeu in Elche has achieve in its five years running the birth of one thousand children

The Instituto Bernabeu in Elche has achieve in its five years running the birth of one thousand children

The Instituto Bernabeu has reach five years runnign in Elche, period in which it has achieve the birth of around one thousand babies thanks to some of the assisted reproduction techniques offered …


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