
Publications scientifiques

The relevance of the individual screening for genetic variants in predicting ovarian response

The relevance of the individual screening for genetic variants in predicting ovarian response

Date: 01 novembre 2019


Pharmacogenetics and Genomics: November 2019 – Volume 29 – Issue 9 – p 216–223. Belén Lledó; Ll. Aparicio; Laura Blanco; José A. Ortiz; Ruth Morales; Ana Fabregat; Jaime Guerrero; Rafael Bernabeu.

Effect of the vaginal microbiome on the pregnancy rate in women receiving assisted reproductive treatment

Effect of the vaginal microbiome on the pregnancy rate in women receiving assisted reproductive treatment

Date: 24 août 2019


Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. August 2019. Andrea Bernabeu, Belén Lledo, Ma. Carmen Díaz, Francisca M. Lozano, Vicente Ruiz, Ana Fuentes, Adriana Lopez-Pineda, Belen Moliner, Juan Carlos Castillo, Jose Antonio Ortiz, Jorge Ten, Ll. Aparicio, Concepcion Carratala-Munuera, Domingo Orozco-Beltran, Jose A. Quesada, Rafael Bernabeu.

The use of fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis on sperm: indications to perform and assisted reproduction technology outcomes

The use of fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis on sperm: indications to perform and assisted reproduction technology outcomes

Date: 08 août 2019


Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. August 2019. Zaida Sarrate, Joan Blanco, Fernando Marina-Rugero, Juan Manuel Moreno-García, Miguel Ruiz-Jorro, Rafael Lafuente-Varea, Fernando Graña-Zanón, Rocío Núñez-Calonge, Jorge Ten, Joaquín Rueda.

Comparison of two closed carriers for vitrification of human blastocysts in a donor program

Comparison of two closed carriers for vitrification of human blastocysts in a donor program

Date: 16 décembre 2018


Cryobiology, December 2018, Jaime Guerrero, Miguel Gallardo, Adoración Rodríguez-Arnedo, Jorge Ten, Rafael Bernabeu

Comprehensive mitochondrial DNA analysis and IVF outcome

Comprehensive mitochondrial DNA analysis and IVF outcome

Date: 15 novembre 2018


Human Reproduction Open, pp. 1–9, 2018. November 2018. B. Lledo, J.A. Ortiz, R. Morales, E. García-Hernández, J. Ten, A. Bernabeu, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu.

Clinical outcomes in elective vitrification of embryos

Clinical outcomes in elective vitrification of embryos

Date: 01 novembre 2018


Revista Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia, Prog Obstet Ginecol 2018;61(5):438-443. November 2018. Rafael Sellers Gil, Jorge Ten Morro, Mª Carmen Tió Marquina, Francisco Sellers López, and Rafael Bernabeu Pérez.

Prevalence of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms on p53, IL-11, IL-10, VEGF and APOE in patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF) and pregnancy loss (RPL)

Prevalence of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms on p53, IL-11, IL-10, VEGF and APOE in patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF) and pregnancy loss (RPL)

Date: 15 octobre 2018


Human Fertility. October 2018. Azahara Turienzo, Belén Lledó, José A. Ortiz, Ruth Morales, Juan Sanz, Ll. Aparicio & Rafael Bernabeu.

A pharmacogenetic approach to improve low ovarian response: The role of CAG repeats length in the androgen receptor gene

A pharmacogenetic approach to improve low ovarian response: The role of CAG repeats length in the androgen receptor gene

Date: 01 août 2018


European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. Volume 227, August 2018, Pages 41-45. B.Lledó, J.Ll. Aparicio, JA.Ortiz, B.Martinez, R.Morales, R.Bernabeu.

Does embryo mosaicism affect clinic results in assisted reproduction cycles?

Does embryo mosaicism affect clinic results in assisted reproduction cycles?

Date: 03 octobre 2017


Young Investigator Award winner.

Abstracts for 2017 Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology Conference. 

J Assist Reprod Genet (2017) 34:1385–1402. October 2017. Andrea Bernabeu, José Antonio Ortiz, Belén Lledó, Ruth Morales, Elena Fernández, Jorge Ten, Rafael Bernabeu.

Estudio del volumen y la vascularización trofoblástica mediante power doppler tridimensional en la novena semana en gestaciones espontáneas y tras técnicas de reproducción asistida

Estudio del volumen y la vascularización trofoblástica mediante power doppler tridimensional en la novena semana en gestaciones espontáneas y tras técnicas de reproducción asistida

Date: 11 juin 2017

Elsevier. 154-161. Junio 2017. Francisco Sellers, Belén Moliner, Ana Palacios, Rafael Sellers, Ll. Aparicio y Rafael Bernabeu.


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