R+D+I: Essais cliniques de l’Instituto Bernabeu

A phase II, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, double-blind test to evaluate the ongoing pregnancy rate with OXO-001 (200 mg, 300 mg) or placebo at 10 weeks after transfer of a single fresh blastocyst resulting from IVF/ICSI with donated eggs.
Objective: The primary objective is to investigate whether the trial drug will help improve the pregnancy rate in patients undergoing egg donation treatment.
Current status: Completed.
Location: Instituto Bernabeu Alicante, Instituto Bernabeu Madrid
Project responsibles: Dr Andrea Bernabeu, Dr Ana Fuentes, Dr Ruth Romero
More information: For more information, please contact the following email address: research@institutobernabeu.com
For more details on the study, please click on the following link.