5 medicine, biology and nursing students have been awarded InstitutoBernabeu Foundation grants to help pay for university tuition fees

On 22nd October in Alicante, the Rafael Bernabeu Welfare Foundation awarded five grants to cover medicine, nursing and biology university tuition fees. The aim of this initiative is to help students pay their registration fees and cover the cost of necessary material at a time of difficult social circumstances in which higher education is increasingly important and science needs to progress so that we can overcome this hurdle.
Baltasar Antonio Sánchez, Édel Rocher, Carmen Jerez, Natalia Gisbert and Vicente Ruiz are the five students who have been awarded the grants.As well as feeling nervous at being the centre of attention, they were clearly pleased. Each one of them heard about the grants from a different source. This is a sign of the times and the digital world in which we live with its many different ways of communicating with one another.
Accompanied by their families, the five of them received their cheques for 2,500 Euros yesterday from different public figures who wished to show their support at the event. In the words of Dr Bernabeu, the aim of the grants is to “pave the way for those students who have good grades but whose personal circumstances make going to and continuing in university a challenge”.
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