A research by Instituto Bernabeu investigates the regions that affect the vaginal and endometrial microbiome

With the incorporation of genetic techniques, it has been possible to identify a greater number of microorganisms that cannot be analysed with a normal microbiological culture and that make up the vaginal microbiome. A powerful tool to identify the microbiome are the massive sequencing techniques. The analysis of the microbiome is important since, among other things, in the field of reproductive medicine it is possible to detect if there is a microorganism that can facilitate or hinder the implantation of the embryo.
In the congress of the Spanish Society of Fertility (SEF) Instituto Bernabeu has presented an investigation in which the vaginal and endometrial microbiome has been analysed by studying particular regions within rRNA16s, specific to bacteria.
The samples were taken in different stages of the patient’s treatment. The objective of the study is to analyse which region best identifies the vaginal and endometrial microbiome species.
Los análisis de microbioma vaginal y endometrial se ven afectados por la región del rRNA16s estudiada. DÍaz MartÍnez, MC.; Bernabeu GarcÍa, A.; LledÓ Bosh, B.; Ortiz Salcedo, JA.; Morales Sabater, R.; Ten Morro, J.; Ll. Aparicio, J.; Bernabeu Pérez, R. Comunicación oral.