An Instituto Bernabeu study proposes changes to how ovarian stimulation is handled in patients with poor ovarian response

‘Patients with poor ovarian response have a different distribution in the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSHR) genotype.’ This is the title of the research work that Instituto Bernabeu gynaecologist, Yasmina Ben-Aicha, presented at the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) congress. The leading national infertility event’s scientific committee has accepted a total of 16 pieces of Instituto Bernabeu research work, 12 of which are oral presentations given by their lead authors.
It was observed during the study that follicle-stimulating hormone polymorphism distribution is different in patients with poor ovarian response when compared with fertile patients with normal response. The result has opened the door to change proposals on how ovarian stimulation is handled in patients with poor ovarian response.
Las pacientes con baja respuesta ovárica presentan una distribución diferente en el genotipo del receptor de hormona folículo estimulante (FSHR). Ben-Aicha Gonzalez, Y.; Ll. Aparicio Aparicio, J.; Bernabeu Garcia, A.; Castillo Farfán, JC.; Luque Martínez, L.; Lledó Bosch, B.; Ortiz Salcedo, JC.; Bernabeu Pérez, R. Comunicación oral.