Dr Juan Carlos Castillo trains young scientists to prepare and present oral presentations

Instituto Bernabeu’s scientific director, Dr Juan Carlos Castillo, has participated as a speaker in the initiative “Training of best young lecturers”, held from November 30th to December 1st in Florence. This is an event promoted by Preis School (International and European School of Perinatal, Neonatal and Reproductive Medicine), which aims to train young specialists in the preparation and effective presentation of scientific lectures.
Following his last year’s participation, Dr Castillo has once again been invited by the organisation to actively participate, reflecting his experience and knowledge in training the next generation of scientists.
Dr Castillo highlighted the importance of acquiring presentation skills during specialist training “it is a fundamental but often overlooked aspect of scientific activity”. In this regard, he stressed that “it is something that is not taught during in our specialist training and, personally, I think it is an important part of our work”.
During his talk, entitled “how to prepare a scientific presentation”, Dr Juan Carlos Castillo provided valuable insights and practical techniques: “it is important to address, not only the scientific content, but also the way it is presented, because an affective presentation can make the difference in the understanding and acceptance of the research”.