In 2022, Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Instituto Bernabeu social work, helped those who need it most

Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Instituto Bernabeu Social Work, closes the year 2022 with the satisfaction of having contributed, for yet another year, to its community. Since 2007, the social work of the group of clinics specialising in reproductive medicine has allocated resources to actions in different areas, such as health, supporting 31 couples with limited resources in their desire of having a healthy baby; contributions to non-profit organisations linked to children, women and maternity; and training actions for health professionals.
6th Tribute Concert to Women
As every year, culture in the shape of music has also been part of the Foundation. Faithful to its appointment with March the 8th, the Foundation invited Alicante’s society to the 6th Tribute Concert to Women, which once again had as an exceptional setting Alicante’s auditorium ADDA and which, in this occasion had as protagonists the Youth Orchestra of the Alicante Province.
Support to NGOs
The support to NGOs has meant an overall aid of more than 34.600 euros, which has been distributed among six non-profit organizations. Nazaret, Aldeas Infantiles, Fundación 1000: Defectos Congénitos, Proyecto Hombre, Red de Infértiles and Ayuda en Acción.
In addition, the Foundation has contributed with a solidarity support to the 2nd Carlos Sarriá “Charlie” Charity Parade, organized by Alicante’s General Hospital – Doctor Balmis, to raise funds for child cancer research.
Support for patients
Aid in treatments for patients with limited resources is one of Rafael Bernabeu Foundation pillars. On this occasion, it has meant a contribution of more than 39,000 euros. In relation to this aid, most of the are cases related to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, aimed at preventing the transmission of hereditary diseases to offspring. Last year, 31 patients have benefited from this aid.
Congresses and training sessions
Likewise, training health professionals and helping future doctors is another of the Foundation’s objectives, and it participates in events organised by students and supports their initiatives. This is the case of the Pharmacy Students Congress (CEFA), which celebrated its 18th edition in 2022. Instituto Bernabeu’s Social Work also collaborated in the first Bioscience Students State Congress (CEEBI); and the Medicine Students National Congress (CNEM).
The Foundation has also sponsored open training sessions held at Instituto Bernabeu such as the courses “Uterus in T: advances in the scale of evidence” and “Infertile women evaluation: ASRM opinion committee”.
The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation Social Work closes 2022 with the satisfaction of having maintained a high level of commitment to its values and with many projects for the year that is about to begin.