Rafael Bernabeu insists upon the importance of evaluating patient ovarian reserve in his speech at the SEISEGO Congress

As vice-president of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology, Dr Rafael Bernabeu opened the first edition of the Refresher Course for Gynaecologists with a speech on ‘The role of primary assessment gynaecologists in preserving reproductive health.’ In his speech to colleagues, Dr Bernabeu highlighted the importance of evaluating ovarian reserve during standard health checks and making them part of the routine. The vice-president of SEISEGO upholds the importance of planning and preserving fertility in young women at a time when society and new lifestyles have led to women becoming mothers later on in life. The current age at which women become mothers for the first time is around 30 and it is at this stage in life that a woman’s egg reserve begins to decline.
Dr Bernabeu insisted upon the importance of healthcare professionals using appointments to help women understand the importance of preserving their fertility when they are young so that, when they decide to become mothers, ovarian reserve has not diminished. The vice-president of SEISEGO carried out an on-line survey with the aim of improving and increasing standard gynaecological health checks.
The vice-president of the Sterility and Infertility Unit insisted upon the importance of informing women about healthy lifestyles and counterproductive environmental factors which are harmful to fertility. Dr Bernabeu believes that providing information on fertility planning is essential if we are to avoid a situation which can be planned when ovarian reserve is favourable, becoming an issue for women.