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De meest voorkomende twijfels over medisch begeleide voortplanting en gynaecologische gezondheid eenvoudig opgelost.
How can I determine when ovulation occurs?
The Ovulation Date Calculator that you will find below, will help you to determinate which days of the month you are most fertile.
A blastocyst is an embryo which has been left to develop until day 5 or 6 and presents a complex cellular structure formed by approximately 200 cells. The blastocyst phase is the development stage prior to implantation of the embryo in the mother’s uterus.
How to become a mother without a male partner?
Some women chose to become mothers without having a male partner and turn to assisted reproductive techniques in order to achieve this goal. We see this at our practice as an increasingly common option taken by women.
- Are prenatal and preimplantation diagnosis equally effective for disease transmission prevention?
- Is it possible for me to bear a healthy child if I have a genetic disease?
- No. Fertility is not affected by having undergone an ovarian stimulation cycle for egg vitrification. When they maintain good fertility conditions, ovaries have enough ovarian reserve.
- What are the success rates of PGD cycles?
- Can an embryo become damaged while performing an embryo biopsy?
Donantes semen y óvulos
- Is donation anonymous?
- How are sperm samples or donor eggs selected for given couples?
- How can I become a donor?
- Is there a limit to donations?
- Why donate eggs?
Eiceldonatie. Donatie van eicellen
- Can donors know the identity of any children born through their donation?
- Is there a waiting list for oocyte donation?
- Are there any risks or side effects in egg donation treatments?
- Lifestyle after the embryo transfer
- How do you select donors?
- How can I estimate my ovulation?
- In order to perform CCS, it is necessary for embryos to reach blastocyst stage. However, embryos may sometimes take longer to reach that stage. In such cases, embryos are cultured an extra day to give them another chance to reach it. If they do, biopsy is
- How long can my eggs remain frozen without damage?
- What are the survival rates after thawing?
- What benefits does vitrification have after oncological therapy?
- Can the identity of embryo donors be disclosed?
- Do oocyte donation and embryo donation mean the same thing?
- Where do the donated embryos come from?
- The advantages and disadvantages of transferring embryos during a natural or artificial cycle
- Towards a Positive Embryo Transfer
Endocrinologie en voeding
- Do thyroid problems affect fertility?
- I have diabetes. Should I consult with my doctor before becoming pregnant? Which diabetes tests are required before pregnancy?
- I have a thyroid problem: Should I consult with my doctor with a view to a future pregancy? Will I have to change my treatment? Will I be able to breastfeed my baby? Will my baby have any problems?
- Nutritional Recommendations for Fertility
- I’ve undergone surgery for obesity. Can I still get pregnant?
- Hysteroscopy and Essure
- What are the main contraceptive methods?
- What types of hormonal contraception exist?
- Do women who use IUD (Intrauterine contraceptive device) as a contraceptive have more difficulties in getting pregnant?
- Is it true, that after a long time taking oral contraceptives a woman can find it difficult to coenceive?
In vitro fertilisatie (IVF)
- Total commitment with our In Vitro Fertilization and Egg donation patients: we share efforts and results
- Embryo transfer: What does it involve? What do I need to keep in mind for it to be successful?
- Will I always be seen by the same gynaecologist in Instituto Bernabeu?
- Choosing a fertilisation technique when oocyte counts are poor. IVF or ICSI?
- How can I help my IVF treatment to work? 10 pieces of advice that may improve your chances
Invriezing van embryo’s. Cryo-overplaatsing
- What if we finally decide not to use the embryos we had frozen?
- How long can my embryos remain frozen?
- What chances do I have to still have embryos for freezing after an In Vitro Fertilisation treatment?
- What are the advantages of oocyte or embryo vitrification?
- What advantages are there to freezing embryos?
Lesbisch moederschap. ROPA
Medisch begeleide voortplanting
- What is a polycystic ovary? How does a polycystic ovary affect my fertility?
- Which are the options if I have an altered spermatozoid TUNEL?
- No spermatozoids can be detected in my ejaculate. What can be done? Is it permanent?
- How many follicles are normally produced with In Vitro Fertilisation?
- From what age is In Vitro Fertilization advised against? What about motherhood?
Urologie en andrologie
- Do biopsy or testicular puncture have any side effects?
- What is the difference between TESA and MESA?
- How long do I have to wait to become pregnant after a vaso-vasostomy?
- Does vaso-vasostomy affect erections or sexual activity?
- Does vaso-vasostomy have any side effects?
- What is SOFT IVF?
- How long do I have to wait before seeing a doctor if I don’t get pregnant?
- What are the main causes of infertility?
- What if I have my period at the time of my first gynaecological fertility appointment?
- Differences between sterility and infertility (primary and secondary)