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- IB NEWSLETTER. July 2022. Instituto Bernabeu leads the way in research with 15 scientific projects at the 38th edition of the European ESHRE congress
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2022. The magazine with the scientific works presented at the ESHRE 2022 congress is now available
- IB NEWSLETTER. May 2022. Instituto Bernabeu breaks records at SEF 2022
- IB NEWSLETTER. April 2022. Instituto Bernabeu: leaders in treating poor ovarian reserve
- IB NEWSLETTER. February 2022. ÚNICA Bernabeu, the assured pregnancy guarantee that is customised to suit each patient
- IB NEWSLETTER. January 2022. Instituto Bernabeu Cartagena: additions in state-of-the-art technical equipment and highly qualified personnel
- IB NEWSLETTER. December 2021. Instituto Bernabeu, Merry Christmas! Our best wishes for peace and love
- IB NEWSLETTER. November 2021. Instituto Bernabeu, receives the ASEBIR national award for its research in non-invasive embryonic diagnosis
- IB NEWSLETTER. November 2021. Instituto Bernabeu We are presenting 14 new research projects to ASEBIR
- IB NEWSLETTER. November 2021. Instituto Bernabeu Repercussions of our study on the impact of vaginal and endometrial flora
- IB NEWSLETTER. October 2021. Instituto Bernabeu: A day to remember that today and every day we stand beside every woman suffering from gynaecological cancer
- IB NEWSLETTER. October 2021. Instituto Bernabeu Thanks to follicle activation, “ovarian rejuvenation” allows you to become a mother with your own eggs
- IB NEWSLETTER. September 2021. Instituto Bernabeu: Our research on uterine torsion and its implications for pregnancy
- IB NEWSLETTER. July 2021. Instituto Bernabeu: A new approach to diagnosing chronic endometritis
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2021. Instituto Bernabeu stands out with 16 scientific investigations at the ESHRE 2021 International Congress
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2021. IBgen Sperm: The revolutionary genetic study to know the causes of male infertility
- IB NEWSLETTER. May 2021. Multicenter research on “pathogens” about the microbiome effect on embryo implantation
- IB NEWSLETTER. April 2021. New lines of research for low ovarian reserve – Fertility & Sterility
- IB NEWSLETTER. March 2021. Instituto Bernabeu Researches. Sperm DNA fragmentation – Human Fertility
- IB NEWSLETTER. March 2021. IBgen POF, the new ovarian failure genetic study
- IB NEWSLETTER. January 2021. 2020: A year where we never stopped investigating
- IB NEWSLETTER. December 2020. PGD/PGT Genetic studies for life
- IB NEWSLETTER. October 2020. New family models.
- IB NEWSLETTER. September 2020. At Instituto Bernabeu you have our guarantee. The pregnancy and childbirth guarantee.
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2020.Ten Instituto Bernabeu research projects arouse the interest of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, ESHRE, in its first virtual congress
- IB NEWSLETTER. April 2020. 27th OF APRIL Resume the reproductive medicine activity.
- IB NEWSLETTER. April 2020. Digital meet-ups with our specialists.
- IB NEWSLETTER. March 2020. Coronavirus COVID-19. Uptading regarding our activity status.IB NEWSLETTER. March 2020. Coronavirus (covid-19): Latest news and recommendations.
- IB NEWSLETTER. February 2020. New research projects presented at the congress organised by the Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology.
- IB NEWSLETTER. January 2020. Microbiome analysis in patients with embryo implantation failure.
- IB NEWSLETTER. December 2019.Summary of activities of Instituto Bernabéu’s social projects.
- IB NEWSLETTER. October 2019. Successful third edition of the international Meeting the Experts event.
- IB NEWSLETTER. September 2019. Instituto Bernabeu has opened its seventh reproductive medicine clinic in Palma de Mallorca.
- IB NEWSLETTER. August 2019. 3rd International Congress: Meeting the Experts.
- IB NEWSLETTER. July 2019. A further year of scientific collaboration and success at ESHRE 2019.
- IB NEWSLETTER. July 2019. Instituto Bernabeu’s genetic laboratory achieves the highest accreditation for the PGT-A test.
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2019. We’re waiting for you at Stand F-33 at ESHRE 2019
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2019. See you at ESHRE!!
- IB NEWSLETTER. Février 2019. Votre attente finira comme vous l’attendiez. C’est garanti!
- IB NEWSLETTER. January 2019. We will help you so that you can help others.
- IB NEWSLETTER. December 2018. Foundation.
- IB NEWSLETTER. December 2018.
- IB NEWSLETTER. October 2018.
- IB NEWSLETTER. September 2018.
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2018.
- IB NEWSLETTER. May 2018.
- IB NEWSLETTER. March 2018
- IB NEWSLETTER. February 2018
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- IB NEWSLETTER. November 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. November 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. September 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. August 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. July 2017 – Benidorm. New premises.
- IB NEWSLETTER. July 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. April 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. March 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. March 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. February 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. January 2017
- IB NEWSLETTER. December 2016 – Foundation
- IB NEWSLETTER. December 2016
- IB NEWSLETTER. November 2016
- IB NEWSLETTER. October 2016 Meeting the experts
- IB NEWSLETTER. October 2016
- IB NEWSLETTER. September 2016
- IB NEWSLETTER. August 2016
- IB NEWSLETTER. June 2016
- IB NEWSLETTER. February 2016
- IB NEWSLETTER. January 2015
- IB NEWSLETTER. Septembre 2014
- IB NEWSLETTER. March2014