Ovulation Date Calculator
The ovulation date calculator below can help you determine which days of the month you are most fertile.
Our ovulation calculator can help you to determine the days of the month on which you are most fertile, based on the dates of the last few menstrual cycles and their duration. This will give you an estimation of the best days on which to have sexual intercourse with your partner and get pregnant.
You should follow these steps in order to use our calculator:
- Introduce the date of the first day of your last menstruation in the corresponding box following the format day/month/year, for instance: 01/04/2009.
- For more accuracy, fill in the boxes “Penultimate and antepenultimate menstruation”, if you know this information.
- Select the length of your menstruation cycle; if you are not sure, please select “28 days”.
- Press the bottom “Calculate Ovulation Date”
Neste eggløsning
ADVARSEL: Denne kalenderen kan og bør ikke brukes for å forhindre graviditet.
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