
Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes Gestacional

In addition to the correct monitoring of all the pathologies mentioned above, there is an endocrinal disorder specific to pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is a glucose metabolic alteration that is detected during pregnancy. It occurs in approximately 10% of all pregnant women.

This can be detected between weeks 24-28 using the O’Sullivan’s Test. The test is given to all pregnant women along with the Glucose Tolerance Test, if required.

During the first consultation, we confirm the diagnosis and at the same time a physical examination is given. We also offer a nutritional assessment and an exercise programme; we lend our patients a glucometre to self-assess capillary glycaemia and ketonuria. At the second visit, we assess insulinisation criteria (40% of women presenting Gestational Diabetes GD).

During the following check-ups we continue monitoring and adjusting the treatment, according to the level of metabolic control and gestational age. Subsequently, we write a report for when labour begins, giving postnatal recommendations. Six weeks after birth, a blood test is necessary to detect any abnormalities.


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