
Luis Arias
Luis Arias graduated in Bioanalysis, specialising in Clinical Analysis from the University of Carabobo – Venezuela in 2011.
He developed his professional career in Venezuela holding the specialist in Clinical Analysis position at the Military Hospital of Maracay between 2012-2019 in the different areas of the diagnostic and treatment service. In that time, he also worked for different veterinary centres and hospitals in the haematology, biochemistry and diagnostic microscopy area in small animals. She also worked as an analyst in Molecular Biology Laboratories applied to the detection of various etiological agents and metaxenical diseases.
In the year 2019, he joined the Andrology Department at Instituto Bernabeu in Madrid.
He specialises in human reproductive biology thanks to the Master’s Degree in Reproductive Medicine at the Bernabeu Institute in collaboration with the University of Alicante (2022) and then becomes part of the embryology team at IBMadrid.
He is a member of the Colegio Oficial de Biólogos de la Comunidad de Madrid (COBCM Biologists Association of the Madrid Community), as well as of the Asociación para el estudio de la Biología de la Reproducción (ASEBIR Reproduction Biology Study Association).