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Dr Andrea Bernabeu, scientific coordinator of the «workshop on publishing in high impact scientific journals» for biomedical professionals

Dr Andrea Bernabeu, scientific coordinator of the «workshop on publishing in high impact scientific journals» for biomedical professionals

Today and tomorrow will take place the «Inspira by Ferring» workshop entitled «How to write for publication in high impact scientific journals: keys to success». This is a course aimed at health professionals focused on […]

We will focus the next few Thursdays on answering the most common questions about «ovarian rejuvenation»

We will focus the next few Thursdays on answering the most common questions about «ovarian rejuvenation»

What are ovarian rejuvenation techniques? Could I undergo ovarian rejuvenation to avoid egg donation? What is the most suitable treatment for my case? These are some of the questions that many patients have about these […]

Instituto Bernabeu investigates the embryo development blockage genetic causes in infertile patients

Instituto Bernabeu investigates the embryo development blockage genetic causes in infertile patients

Instituto Bernabeu has investigated the genetic causes that may be behind the embryos blockage at an early stage of infertile patients undergoing assisted reproduction treatmen, preventing pregnancy. The blockage occurs when, after joining the egg […]

Instituto Bernabeu presents its pioneering study on the embryo non-invasive chromosomal analysis technique at the PGDIS congress in Berlin

Instituto Bernabeu presents its pioneering study on the embryo non-invasive chromosomal analysis technique at the PGDIS congress in Berlin

Instituto Bernabeu has travelled to Germany’s capital of to participate in the 19th  International Congress of Preimplantational Genetics-PGDIS 2022 held in April 10 – 13 in Berlin. Faithful to its annual appointment with the world […]

Instituto Bernabeu discusses the efficacy of dual stimulation (dual stim) in patients with low ovarian reserve at the Born X Life meeting in Madrid

Instituto Bernabeu discusses the efficacy of dual stimulation (dual stim) in patients with low ovarian reserve at the Born X Life meeting in Madrid

Instituto Bernabeu travelled to Madrid to attend the Born X Life scientific meeting organised by Merck on April 1st. Instituto Bernabeu medical co-director, Dr Andrea Bernabeu, participated in the panel discussion «Individualising treatment: each patient […]

Instituto Bernabeu participates in the 20th Peruvian Congress of Reproductive Medicine in Lima with two of its milestones on ovarian stimulation

Instituto Bernabeu participates in the 20th Peruvian Congress of Reproductive Medicine in Lima with two of its milestones on ovarian stimulation

Instituto Bernabeu participated in the 20th Peruvian Congress of Reproductive Medicine held on February 23rd and 24th in Lima with two presentations on ovarian stimulation. Dr Juan Carlos Castillo, gynaecologist and head of the international […]

The Instituto Bernabeu Foundation organises the 6th tribute concert to women: tickets available

The Instituto Bernabeu Foundation organises the 6th tribute concert to women: tickets available

As usual, as part of the Tribute to Women on Women’s Day, and through the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Obra Social del Instituto Bernabeu, we would like to invite our patients and the whole of Alicante […]

Instituto Bernabeu research reveals that COVID-19 vaccine has no negative impact on egg donation treatment outcomes

Instituto Bernabeu research reveals that COVID-19 vaccine has no negative impact on egg donation treatment outcomes

Recent research carried out by Instituto Bernabeu has studied whether there’re variations associated with SARS-CoV2 vaccination in ovarian response and IVF laboratory results in egg donation treatments. The study compared outcomes before and after egg […]

Instituto Bernabeu designs a specific 100% Pregnancy and Childbirth Success Guarantee programme for patients with low ovarian reserve.

Instituto Bernabeu designs a specific 100% Pregnancy and Childbirth Success Guarantee programme for patients with low ovarian reserve.

Instituto Bernabeu takes a new step forward with its Única Bernabeu 100% Pregnancy and Birth Guarantee programme, a pioneer in Europe since 2014: It has just incorporated a new combined double IVF+Ovodonation guarantee programme designed […]

Instituto Bernabeu successfully aproves external audits renewing its quality certificates

Instituto Bernabeu successfully aproves external audits renewing its quality certificates

Instituto Bernabeu confirms its excellence and commitment to quality. This is corroborated by the external audits that have recently been carried out, which have once again endorsed the high quality of the processes developed by […]

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