Foro Blog

Altered sperm FISH. Is embryo Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) advisable? IB Research.
It is widely accepted amongst experts in the field of assisted reproduction and gynaecology that the most common cause of pregnancy loss is connected to genetic abnormalities in the embryo which render normal development impossible.

IB Research: Citokin analysis for early detection of endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease which causes dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain and, depending on where the lesion is located, it can also cause constipation or hematuria (blood in urine), pain during sexual intercourse and …

Research to improve pregnancies in patients with implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss
The results of research work entitled “Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (CCS) on D+5 to improve IVF cycle success rates in recipients with repeated implatation failure (RIF) and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)” were presented in an oral …

The results of research work entitled “Association of the e4 genetic variant in the apolipoprotein gene in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure” are presented in the form of an oral communication to …

BFS. 2016 Annual Meeting: Research work presented by Instituto Bernabeu and IB Biotech teams.
The British Fertility Society’s Annual Meeting will take place in Sage Gateshead, Newcastle (UK) today and tomorrow (7th and 8th January). This edition’s theme is ‘Gamete Formation, Preservation and Donation.’

Continuing the social commitment of Instituto Bernabeu, the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation awards a total of 18 scholarships for students of Medicine, Biotechnology, Biology and Nursing, each one of 2,500€; which are payable by check to the student to help …

Instituto Bernabeu Research: New classification of Adenomyosis
Adenomyosis is an entity with an unknown influence in implantation. Several studies achieve until 68% less pregnancy rate when adenomyosis is diagnosed, although another groups didn’t see differences. Severity of adenomyosis could be influencing in …

IB Research: “Outcome of oocyte vitrification using open vs. closed devices”
Vitrification virtually eliminates the major problem associated with cryopreservation, which is the formation of ice crystals. Recent papers have shown that warming is more important than cooling rates. Survival rates of vitrified oocytes and embryos …

IB research: “Ovarian induction in egg donors: Corifollitropin alfa versus urinary FSH”
In last years corifollitropin alfa (ElonvaTM) has been added to the treatments available to induce ovulation. It is especially designed to work much longer than conventional FSH, so that one single injection of Elonva can …