Foro Blog

The Rafael Bernabeu Charitable Foundation´s Sixth Annual Children´s Drawing Contest: Motherhood
The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, the charitable foundation of Instituto Bernabeu, announces the 6th edition of its «Children´s Drawing Contest», which is dedicated to the theme of motherhood. The aim of this Drawing contest is to […]

On Monday 23 March at 7:30pm the conference named «Reproductive Medicine: Towards a new species of Homo Sapiens?» will take place in the Medical Surgical Society of Alicante, given by Dr. Rafael Bernabeu in Hall […]

Instituto Bernabeu participation in the 19th National Hospital Congress
Instituto Bernabeu is actively involved in the nineteenth edition of the National Hospital Congress, which is expecting 2,000 registered attendees. Yesterday, we were responsible for organizing the Preliminary Conference of the Congress on «Cross-border Healthcare». […]

The debate over «Cross-border Healthcare» took place this morning at the Elche Congress Centre and was chaired by Dr. Bernabeu, the Instituto Bernabeu Medical Director. The debate is part of the preliminary acts that Instituto […]

Concert tribute to women organized by the Rafael Bernabeu Charitable Foundation
The event brought together more than 1,200 people who enjoyed the evening at ADDA On the occasion of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, the Rafael Bernabeu Charitable Foundation organized, once again, a lyric recital […]

The conference will be held on the 9th, 10th and 11th March and will include the participation of Dr. Bernabeu as chair of the debate «Cross-border Healthcare». Coinciding with the celebration of the 19th National […]

Instituto Bernabeu invites the city of Alicante to the concert tribute to women
The event will take place on Friday 6th March at 20:00 at the Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio Provincial de Alicante (ADDA) offered by the soprano María Miró, with Eugenia Gassull at the piano. Rafael Bernabeu […]

Optimize ovarian stimulation in patients previously treated unsuccessfully. Presentation
The past 13th and 14th of February in Malaga, has taken place the VII Fertility Symposium organized by Ferring Laboratories for the field professionals, during which Dr. Ll. Aparicio, Director of the Instituto Bernabeu Unit […]

Instituto Bernabeu opens in Albacete its fifth reproductive medicine clinic
The center performs all reproductive medicine treatments and tests. The new headquarters features IVF and Andrology laboratories, own operating theatre and patient rooms. Instituto Bernabeu, Reproductive Medicine Group, has opened a new centre in […]