Hatched embryo transfer following biopsy does not alter implantation success rates.

The use of comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) during the blastocyst stage has led to big changes in in vitro fertilisation (IVF) clinics. The transfer of fresh embryos is generally put on hold for one day until the results of chromosomal diagnosis are available. This means that many of the blastocysts have already hatched and have to be transferred or undergo vitrification on day 6 of development.
One of the issues which particularly concern us is if the changes introduced in the IVF laboratory could proved to be detrimental given the specific nature of the treatment. Transfer on day 6 of embryos biopsied on day 5 means that many have hatched. As such, the embryo is unprotected due to a loss in the zona pellucida (ZP) and, on occasions, handling of these embryos can prove to be complex. However, results show that there are no differences and that hatched embryos implant under the same conditions as embryos with ZP.
This research is one of 11 lines of work carried out by our group and selected by the ASEBIR (Spanish Association for the Study of Biology and Human Reproduction) scientific committee for it’s bi-annual event held in November.
HATCHED EMBRYO TRANSFER FOLLOWING BIOPSY DOES NOT ALTER IMPLANTATION SUCCESS RATES. J. Ten, A. Rodríguez-Arnedo, J. Guerrero, M.C. Díaz, H. Blanca, J.A. Ortíz, B. Lledó, B. Moliner, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. VIII edition of the ASEBIR CONGRESS, San Sebastian. November, 2015.