IB research: “Ovarian induction in egg donors: Corifollitropin alfa versus urinary FSH”

In last years corifollitropin alfa (ElonvaTM) has been added to the treatments available to induce ovulation. It is especially designed to work much longer than conventional FSH, so that one single injection of Elonva can replace daily FSH injections. Furthermore it has been argued that recruitment of antral follicles can be improved because of its pharmacokinetics. Both features are of special interest in the egg donor group.
This Instituto Bernabeu study was designed in order to compare the efficacy of ovulation induction with corifollotropin alfa (Elonva) versus conventional uFSH treatments in egg donors and according to our results it seems that clinical efficacy of both treatments in egg donors is equivalent. The main advantage of Elonva lies in the lower number of injections administered, and thus reducing discomfort.
This is one of the pieces of research work carried out by Instituto Bernabeu which was accepted by the Scientific Committee at the British Fertility Society (BFS) for its Annual Meeting which will take place in Newcastle (UK) on 7th and 8th January, 2016.
OVARIAN INDUCTION IN EGG DONORS: CORIFOLLITROPIN ALFA VERSUS URINARY FSH. Poster. J. Guerrero, J. Ten, A. Rodriguez-Arnedo, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu.