NEW ADENOMYOSIS CLASSIFICATION with a view to improving prognosis in patients with implantation failure. IB research for SEF, 2016.

Our unit for the treatment of implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss is constantly working on new means of improving both diagnosis and treatment.
One of the lines of work centres around the impact of a particular endometriosis variant known as adenomyosis.
Adenomyosis is a little understood condition, particular so because of how complicated it is to diagnose. Furthermore, there is a lot of controversy within reproductive medicine on its role in embryo implantation failure. Some experts believe that poorer results are obtained following assisted reproduction procedures. Others, however, believe that this is only the case when accompanied by other symptoms.
This led us to believe that there are different levels of severity which can lead to different prognoses in terms of reproduction. Therefore, an initial adenomyosis classification was carried out using our sophisticated ultrasound image-based diagnosis systems and it was clear that there are different levels of severity and different prognoses.
The classification system will be of great use, not only with a view to correct diagnosis within our specialised unit, but also for other experts gynaecologists. A presentation of the system was carried out by Dr Belén Moliner as part of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) Congress which took place in Malaga between the 19th and 21st May.
New Adenomysosis Classification
Belén Moliner, Francisco Sellers, Lydia Luque, Juan Carlos Castillo, Ll. Aparicio, Rafael Bernabeu