R+D+I: Kliniske Studier ved Instituto Bernabeu
A correct medical treatment must combine, together with dedicated care, the personalization of the process and in some cases, the application of R + D + I. At Instituto Bernabeu we are constantly carry out different lines of research to which, if they wish, our patients can join.


Prolutex in Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycles at the Blastocyst Stage (PROGEX) NCT03701490
What is studied: It is the first clinical trial in the world to use Progesterone administered subcutaneously at a dose of 50 mg daily and compares it with standard vaginal administration.
Aim: We want to know the optimal treatment protocol that can improve the results through the administration route of the medication of patients who receive frozen embryos.
Start: March 2020
Location: Instituto Bernabeu Alicante
More information: For more information click here
For study details you can find them through the link

What is studied: It is the first clinical trial with a prospective and randomized design to assess the differences stimulation outcomes based on the gonadotropin used in patients with different genetic profiles.
Aim: We want to know the differences in the response to medication according to each woman’s genetic profile and the type of medication used.
Current status: Recruitment phase
Location: Instituto Bernabeu Alicante
For study details you can find them through the link

What is studied: It is the first prospective and randomized clinical trial to assess the differences in the results of the stimulation depending on the moment of the cycle in which the administration of the treatment begins.
Aim: To know the possible differences regarding the number of eggs in patients with low response who start treatment in the follicular phase and luteal phase
Current Status: Research ended
Location: Instituto Bernabeu Alicante
For study details you can find them through the link

What is studied Explore the possibility of completing all ovarian stimulation with just one injection of medication.
Aim: Confirm the possibility of administering all the stimulatory action with a single injection of Corifolitropin alfa without the subsequent administration of more doses in patients with a normal response to stimulation.
Current Status: Actively recruiting patients
Fecha prevista finalización: December 2020
Location Instituto Bernabeu Alicante
For study details you can find them through the link