Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Dato: 28 januar 2021
Human Fertility, 27 Jan 2021. Jorge Ten, Jaime Guerrero, Ángel Linares, Adoración Rodríguez-Arnedo, Ruth Morales, Belén Lledó, Ll. Aparicio & Rafael Bernabeu.

Effect of ovarian stimulation on embryo aneuploidy and mosaicism rate
Dato: 07 januar 2021
Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, Jan 2021. Alba Cascales , Belen Lledó , Jose A. Ortiz , Ruth Morales , Jorge Ten , Joaquin Ll. Aparicio & Rafael Bernabeu

Dato: 20 desember 2020
Reproductive BioMedicine Online, December 2020. B. Lledo, R. Morales, J.A. Ortiz, A. Rodriguez-Arnedo, J. Ten, J.C. Castillo, A. Bernabeu, J. Ll. Aparicio, R.Bernabeu.

Expert consensus for primary management of reproductive health: a Delphi study
Dato: 28 september 2020
Expert consensus for primary management of reproductive health: a Delphi study. September 2020. Andrea Bernabeu, Concepcion Carratala-Munuera, Jose A. Quesada, Ll. Aparicio, Adriana Lopez-Pineda, Francisco Sellers, Vicente F. Gil-Guillen, Rafael Bernabeu, Kamila Cheikh-Moussa, Domingo Orozco-Beltran

Monozygotic twinning following embryo biopsy at the blastocyst stage
Dato: 20 september 2020
JBRA Assisted Reproduction Journal of Medical Sciences: September 2020. Rafael Sellers, Juan Carlos Castillo, Jorge Ten, Adoración Rodríguez, José A. Ortiz, Francisco Sellers, Ll. Aparicio, Rafael Bernabeu

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist ovulation trigger—beyond OHSS prevention
Dato: 25 mars 2020
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences. Juan Carlos Castillo, Thor Haahr, María Martínez-Moya & Peter Humaidan

Sonographic Assessment of Uterine Fibroids and Adenomyosis
Dato: 29 februar 2020
Gynaecological Ultrasound Scanning. Francisco Sellers López, Belén Moliner Renau and Rafael Bernabeu Pérez

Dato: 07 februar 2020
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. Ll. Aparicio, Belén Moliner, Lydia Luque, Andrea Bernabeu, Belén Lledó, Juan Carlos Castillo, Jaime Guerrero, Jorge Ten, Rafael Bernabéu.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome following GnRH agonist trigger for final follicular maturation in a patient undergoing random start ovarian stimulation for egg-donation cycle with an inadvertent concomitant early pregnancy
Dato: 26 desember 2019
Gynecological Endocrinology: December 2019. Juan Castillo, Ll. Aparicio, Ricardo Delgado, Jaime Guerrero, Rafael Bernabeu.

Dato: 08 november 2019
Human Fertility: November 2019. Jorge Ten, Patricia Peinado, Jaime Guerrero, Andrea Bernabeu, Joaquín Ll. Aparicio, Domingo Orozco-Beltran, Concepcion Carratala-Munuera, Rafael Bernabeu.