Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

The relevance of the individual screening for genetic variants in predicting ovarian response
Dato: 01 november 2019
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics: November 2019 – Volume 29 – Issue 9 – p 216–223. Belén Lledó; Ll. Aparicio; Laura Blanco; José A. Ortiz; Ruth Morales; Ana Fabregat; Jaime Guerrero; Rafael Bernabeu.

Dato: 24 august 2019
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. August 2019. Andrea Bernabeu, Belén Lledo, Ma. Carmen Díaz, Francisca M. Lozano, Vicente Ruiz, Ana Fuentes, Adriana Lopez-Pineda, Belen Moliner, Juan Carlos Castillo, Jose Antonio Ortiz, Jorge Ten, Ll. Aparicio, Concepcion Carratala-Munuera, Domingo Orozco-Beltran, Jose A. Quesada, Rafael Bernabeu.

Dato: 08 august 2019
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. August 2019. Zaida Sarrate, Joan Blanco, Fernando Marina-Rugero, Juan Manuel Moreno-García, Miguel Ruiz-Jorro, Rafael Lafuente-Varea, Fernando Graña-Zanón, Rocío Núñez-Calonge, Jorge Ten, Joaquín Rueda.

Comparison of two closed carriers for vitrification of human blastocysts in a donor program
Dato: 16 desember 2018
Cryobiology, December 2018, Jaime Guerrero, Miguel Gallardo, Adoración Rodríguez-Arnedo, Jorge Ten, Rafael Bernabeu

Comprehensive mitochondrial DNA analysis and IVF outcome
Dato: 15 november 2018
Human Reproduction Open, pp. 1–9, 2018. November 2018. B. Lledo, J.A. Ortiz, R. Morales, E. García-Hernández, J. Ten, A. Bernabeu, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu.

Clinical outcomes in elective vitrification of embryos
Dato: 01 november 2018
Revista Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia, Prog Obstet Ginecol 2018;61(5):438-443. November 2018. Rafael Sellers Gil, Jorge Ten Morro, Mª Carmen Tió Marquina, Francisco Sellers López, and Rafael Bernabeu Pérez.

Dato: 15 oktober 2018
Human Fertility. October 2018. Azahara Turienzo, Belén Lledó, José A. Ortiz, Ruth Morales, Juan Sanz, Ll. Aparicio & Rafael Bernabeu.

Dato: 01 august 2018
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. Volume 227, August 2018, Pages 41-45. B.Lledó, J.Ll. Aparicio, JA.Ortiz, B.Martinez, R.Morales, R.Bernabeu.

Does embryo mosaicism affect clinic results in assisted reproduction cycles?
Dato: 03 oktober 2017
Young Investigator Award winner.
Abstracts for 2017 Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology Conference.
J Assist Reprod Genet (2017) 34:1385–1402. October 2017. Andrea Bernabeu, José Antonio Ortiz, Belén Lledó, Ruth Morales, Elena Fernández, Jorge Ten, Rafael Bernabeu.

Estudio del volumen y la vascularización trofoblástica mediante power doppler tridimensional en la novena semana en gestaciones espontáneas y tras técnicas de reproducción asistida
Dato: 11 juni 2017
Elsevier. 154-161. Junio 2017. Francisco Sellers, Belén Moliner, Ana Palacios, Rafael Sellers, Ll. Aparicio y Rafael Bernabeu.